(Lord John Lamont Quackett)

Page with soundtrack

The Phantom of the Opera
by Andrew Lloyd Webber

The character of Fantomallard, created by Italian writer Guido Martina, is mentioned in several Italian stories: PAPERINIK IL DIABOLICO VENDICATORE TOP. n°706-707 (THE DIABOLICAL DUCK AVENGER), PAPERINIK ALLA RISCOSSA TOP. n°743-744 (THE REVENGE OF DUCK AVENGER), PAPERINIK E IL RITORNO A VILLA ROSA TOP. n°2129-2130 (DUCK AVENGER AND THE RETURN TO VILLA ROSE), PAPERINIK CONTRO LE GIOVANI MARMOTTE TOP. n°2398 (DUCK AVENGER AGAINST THE JUNIOR WOODCHUCKS), PAPERINIK E L'ESTATE A VILLA LALLA TOP. n°2437 (DUCK AVENGER AND THE SUMMER AT VILLA LALLA), PAPERINIK E L'OMBRA DI FANTOMIUS TOP. n°2455 (DUCK AVENGER AND THE FANTOMALLARD's SHADOW), PAPERINIK E L'OLTRAGGIO CINEMATOGRAFICO TOP n°2484 (DUCK AVENGER AND THE CINEMA OFFENCE), PAPERINIK E LA DISFIDA DI VILLA ROSA (DUCK AVENGER AND THE DISCIDE OF VILLA ROSE) TOP. n° 3333, PAPERINIKLAND (DUCK AVENGERLAND) TOP n° 3355, MI CHIAMO PAPERINIK TOP. n°3413-3415 (MY NAME IS DUCK AVENGER), PAPERINIK E LA TORRE D'ORO TOP N°3479-3481 (DUCK AVENGER AND THE GOLD TOWER) and in the saga of the ULTRAHEROES TOP. 2726-2734 and in the story PAPERINIK E IL SALTO NEL PASSATO (DUCK AVENGER A LEAP TO THE PAST) PAPERINIK n°30. Fantomallard is mentioned again in one of the "alternative reality" adventures MIRROR CHRISTMAS titled GASTONE IN LA FORTUNA È CIECA TOP n°3604 (GLADSTONE IN THE FORTUNE IS BLIND). The Fantomallard look appears for the first time (drawn by Romano Scarpa and Giorgio Cavazzano) together with his fiancee Dolly Paprika, in the second adventure where Fantomallard was impersonated both by Donald and Gladstone, and in this "misterious" story the costume of Dolly Paprika is worn by Daisy .
In the adventure DUCK AVENGER AND THE FANTOMALLARD's SHADOW the autor Gervasio let the worthless thief Bob Paperhide impersonate the misterious gentleman burglar. In the story PAPERINIK E IL TESORO DI DOLLY PAPRIKA TOP n° 2675 (DUCK AVENGER AND THE TREASURE OF DOLLY PAPRIKA) the real characters of Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika are shown in some flash back images. The real characters of Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika are shown again in the other Gervasio's stories PAPERINIK E IL SEGRETO DI FANTOMIUS TOP n° 2902 (DUCK AVENGER AND THE SECRET OF FANTOMALLARD), PAPERINIK E IL PASSATO SENZA FUTURO TOP. n°2933 (DUCK AVENGER AND THE PAST WITHOUT FUTURE), PAPERINIK, TUTTO COMINCIÒ COSÌ (DUCK AVENGER, IT ALL STARTED LIKE THIS) TOP. n° 3316. Donald pretends to be the ghost of Fantomallard in the story of Salati and Mazzon PAPERINIK E L'ALTRO PAPERINO TOP n° 2950 (DUCK AVENGER AND THE OTHER DONALD), Donald pretends again to be Fantomallard in the story PAPERINIK E IL RITORNO DI LÈBRICCONS TOP. n°3067 (DUCK AVENGER AND THE RETURN OF LÈBRICCONS).
Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika are also shown in a couple of frame in the third part of the story PAPERINIK SULL'OCEANO SCOMBINATO TOP. n° 3008 (DUCK AVENGER ON THE CHAOTIC OCEAN).
Gladstone and Donald pretend again to be Fantomallard in the story PAPERINIK COLPISCE ANCORA (DUCK AVENGER STRIKES AGAIN TOP. n°3077.
Fantomallard is many times mentioned in the story with different ending PAPERINIK IN...I DESTINI DI UN EROE (DUCK AVENGER IN...THE DESTINY OF A HERO) TOP. n°3048.
Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika are also shown in the 1929 in some frames of the story by Enna and De Lorenzi LA GRANDE CORSA-NEL PASSATO (THE BIG RACE-INTO THE PAST) TOP. n° 3111, Fantomallard is also mentioned in the story AREA 15 AN ORIGIN STORY TOP. n° 3506.
In the Danish stories THE LEGACY (story code D/ D 2003-017), HOT CHEMISTRY (story code D 2003-291), ONCE UPON A TIME ...URGH! (story code D 2004-303), SOUND AND FURY (story code D D 2005-062) and MISTAKEN IDENTITY (story code D 2005-124) an unusual modern version of Fantomallard (PK style) is also shown.
PAPERINIK ALLA RISCOSSA It is told in the first Duck Avenger story that Fantomallard was a gentleman thief who robbed only from the rich ("Pretty smart!" said Donald "what could he gain from robbing the poor?"). In his diary, casually found by Donald in the false-bottom of a big armchair in Villa Rose Fantomallard describes his double identity: "I was able to escape from the police because of Villa Rose's secrets, which allow me to conduce a double life..."
"...I slept during the day and robbed at night. This way I had my revenge against the high society people who despised me and considered me good for nothing."
Other than Villa Rose, Fantomallard described his "mobile tank" equipped with special devices in his diary .

PAPERINIK IL DIABOLICO VENDICATORE The novelized version of the first story (printed in Italy in 1970 by Mondadori collection L'INTREPIDA) Guido Martina describes the first chapter of Fantomallard's diary in this way:
"I Fantomallard, called the elusive, write this memo so that those who come after me will know the truth about me, better if someone, in my same condition, will be able to imitate my deeds.
To this future unknown heir I dedicate my diary wishing good luck"
In the story DUCK AVENGER AND THE SECRET OF FANTOMALLARD the last page of the Fantomallard's diary is shown. In this page it is said: " Thanks to my dear friend Copernicus, whitout him all that is told in this diary would have not been possible ! ". In this sentence Fantomallard makes reference to his friend Copernicus Gearloose (Great grandfather of Gyro Gearloose) inventor of the famous special devices used by Fantomallard. PAPERINIK E IL SEGRETO DI FANTOMIUS
In the story PAPERINIK E IL PASSATO SENZA FUTURO (DUCK AVENGER AND THE PAST WITHOUT FUTURE) Marco Gervasio let us know other part of the Fantomallard's secret diary. These parts are related to his first encounter with Dolly Paprika: "The party in the mansion of the countess Mc Snob was at the pick! But for Dolly so lovely with her purple dress it was just another boring night...My future fiance and accomplice was smart enough to face the arrogant conversations...and she knew how to avoid them ! But Dolly she was not awared to meet me!" Than Fantomallard conclude the description of his first del primo encounter with Dolly Paprika with these words: "That night Dolly not only she did't call the police but she decide to follow me in my adventures and robbery ! Furthermore she also suggest me to write my memories and my secrets on this diary to hand down to posterity!" PAPERINIK E IL PASSATO SENZA FUTURO
Nella storia LE STRABILIANTI IMPRESE DI FANTOMIUS-LADRO GENTILUOMO- IL LADRO E IL MILIARDARIO (THE AMAZING VENTURES OF FANTOMALLARD- GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE THIEF AND THE BILIONER At the end of the story shown another hypothetical page from Fantomallard's diary it is shown. the text reports verbatim: " If I can't; I do it, I invite whoever reads it; these lines of mine to keep my promise by stealing Scrooge McDuck's mattress while he sleeps on it ". According to a legendary narration, this "supposed" sentence should have inspired the first mission of Duck Avenger many years later. IL LADRO E IL MILIARDARIO
PAPERINIK E IL RITORNO A VILLA ROSA In a second diary found by Donald in the story DUCK AVENGER AND THE RETURN TO VILLA ROSE, the tricks and machineries located in Villa Rose's secret underground are better described.
About Fantomallard lifetime, in the first story there is a temporal-incongruence. It is told in the letter which notifies the winning of Villa Rose, that after 100 years from the death of the owner the mansion would become property of the state...
If we suppose the story plays in the middle 50s, 100 years earlier would have places the death of Fantomallard in the second half of the 1800s, still a "Far West" period in the California state. To place such a classy villain (with special devices and a mobile car) in that period is not credible. It Is much more reasonable to consider Fantomallard a typical gentleman thief of the first decades of the twentieth century ("belle epoque" prohibitionist period) for sure years that fit pretty well to a tenebrous and misterious outlaw.
In the story DUCK AVENGER AGAINST THE JUNIOR WOODCHUCKS an old book found by Donald in the public library is shown. In this book some of Fantomallard missions and even some of his secret refuges such as Villa Rose and the Ermine's house, which is located in the shadowy mountains some miles out of Duckburg city limit, are described.
In a third diary also found in Villa Rose's underground in the story DUCK AVENGER AND THE SUMMER AT VILLA LALLA, Donald discovers another Fantomallard's secret mansion, the summer refuge of Villa Lalla located in the Dune Bay, Dark Forest locality in the north area of Duckburg bay.
In the story DUCK AVENGER AND THE FANTOMALLARD's SHADOW, another not well identified diary (probably the second one relevant to Villa Rose's underground) is found by the worthless thief Bob Paperhide. He utilizes the diary to learn about Fantomallard and Villa Rose secrets and tricks in order to carry out robbery against Duckburg's bilionaires
Very likely the same diary is used by Donald in the story PAPERINIK COLPISCE ANCORA (DUCK AVENGER STRIKES AGAIN) to explore another secret hideout belonged to Fantomallard the Dismal Valley Manor, a creepy fake-medieval castle located outside Duckburg.
In the legendary story LE STRABILIANTI IMPRESE DI FANTOMIUS- LADRO GENTILUOMO- I DUE VENDICATORI (THE AMAZING VENTURES OF FANTOMALLARD- GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE TWO AVENGERS) Marco Gervasio shows that also Duck Avenger has a secret diary of his history. For a sort or "dark romantic attitude" he sometime update this diary in the secret hideout of the Villa Rose remains.
Some of the pages of the Fantomallard's secret diary removed by Donald to show them to Gyro
The back side of the same pages of the Fantomallard's diary removed by Donald to show them to Gyro
About the Fantomallard's "mobile tank" we know for sure that it was equipped with the devices shown in the first Duck Avenger story (THE DIABOLICAL DUCK AVENGER), and installed by Gyro in Donald's car according to the indications of the Fantomallard's diary: spring ejected seat, anti-pursuer oil and extensible bumpers. Also the smoke device was installed in the Fantomallard's special car as described in the novelized version of the first story and also shown by Marco Gervasio in his adventure DUCK AVENGER AND THE TREASURE OF DOLLY PAPRIKA. PAPERINIK IL DIABOLICO VENDICATORE
PAPERINIK ALLA RISCOSSA It is however reasonable that this special car was dotated with other devices such as the nails spreading system and others. For what concerns the typology of this car, the sketch shown in an illustration of the first story looks to much like a war heavy tank to be considerably reliable (it is pretty ridiculous to imagine Fantomallard was making his nightly secret mission in a war tank!). It is thus more logical to suppose the "special tank" as a modified sport car of the first decades of the twentieth century.
Indeed Marco Gervasio in the Duck Avenger story, PAPERINIK, TUTTO COMINCIÒ COSÌ (DUCK AVENGER, IT ALL STARTED LIKE THIS), shows us the page of the diary with a more credible representation of the special car
It is indeed possible that the representation of the "mobile tank" on the Fantomallard's diary was related to an early prototype of his special car which was probably developed as a steam car at the beginning of the XXth century.
This prototype of the "mobile tank" is in fact shown by Pesce e Mangiatordi in the story DUCK AVENGER AND THE IGNOBLE ATTACK TO THE WIRELESS TELEPHONY
In fact a drawing of the "mobile tank" similar to the one represented in the diary is visible in the 1910 inside the laboratory of Copernicus This image is shown by Gervasio in his story related to the origin of Fantomallard titled THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE NOBLE BEHIND THE MASK.
A reasonable representation of the Fantomallard's special car is shown in the story of Marco Gervasio DUCK AVENGER AND THE TREASURE OF DOLLY PAPRIKA. In this beautiful adventure there is also evidence of the Fantomallard lifetime being the story plays during the first years of the XXth century.
The Fantomallard's special car is again well represented in the story by Pesce and Mangiatordi DUCK AVENGER AND THE MISTERIOUS FANTOMALLARD. In this adventure the special car of Fantomallard is located in the Duckburg's museum of Science and Technology where it is called the "Misterious Fantomallard"
In the same story the Fantomallard's special car is again utilized by Duck Avenger against a dangerous enemy, the Analogic Raider. In this adventure the masked duck is also using two of the first Fantomallard's special devices: the special acid mushroom and the special acid spray.
The Fantomallard's special car is again represented always in the story of Pesce e Mangiatordi DUCK AVENGER AND THE IGNOBLE ATTACK TO THE WIRELESS TELEPHONY.
What seems to be a high powered prototype of the Fantomallard's special car is shown by Gervasio in the first and second stories of the saga THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- titled: THE PINK MOUNT and THE FANTOMALLARD ESCAPE
Other beautiful images of the Fantomallard’s special car are always shown by Gervasio in the story dedicated to the silent cinema THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- PLEASE BE SILENCE
Other beautiful scenes of the Fantomallard's special car are shown by Gervasio in the story dedicated to the Phantom of Notre Duck titled THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- NOTRE DUCK. In one of the scene Fantomallard blocks the police car spreading a sort of spiked balls released by a special mechanism of his car.
Another beautiful image of the Fantomallard's special car is present in the booklet n° 67 of the DeAGOSTINI's library dedicated to the Donald's car as well as the Duck Avenger special variant. In this booklet very interesting references to the Duck Avenger origins are present. Furthermore three pages are also dedicated to the special car of Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika.
This special car can be considered as an experimental model precursor of the famous Duesenberg Covertible 1929.
Model of the first special car used by Fantomallard and Lady Mustard in the 1912 at the beginning of their activity as thiefs. The special vehicle is based on a Ford Speedster modified by Copernicus with a powerful and silenced motor, special bumper, special mechanis to release smoke and oil.

Model of an experimental tank car used by Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika in 1928. This special heavy car is equipped with reinforced wheels and a special frontal devices which can penetrate strong walls./td>
Model of the last special car used by Fantomallard and Dolly Paperika in the 1930 at the end of their activity as thiefs. The special vehicle is based on a Mercedes Benz SSK Count Trossi Black Prinz 3000 modified by Copernicus with a powerful and silenced motor, extensible bumper, special mechanis to release smoke, nails, oil and spring ejection seats.
In the story DUCK AVENGER AND THE SECRET OF FANTOMALLARD Marco Gervasio makes an intersting representation of another vehicle used by Fantomallard and his girl-friend. This vehicle is a Sidecar of the first decades of the 1900 modified with some special devices like the nails spreading system and the smoke device. PAPERINIK E IL SEGRETO DI FANTOMIUS
LA MALEDIZIONE DEL FARAONE In the story THE CURSE OF THE PHARAOH Marco Gervasio shows again the Sidecar of Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika being used during their escape from the Museum of Duckburg, where the gentleman thief has just stolen a precious document hidden in a vase belonged to the Pharaoh Tutanquackmon.
The sidecar is also shows in the legendary adventure of the Fantomallard's saga THE BEGINNING AND THE ENDwhere, according to a mythological narration, the gentleman thief recovers it in the abandoned Villa Rose after a time travel in an improbable current period. PAPERINIK E IL SEGRETO DI FANTOMIUS
The special motocycle Fantomallard is used together Dolly Paperika to escape from the police in the story THE DAWN OF FANTOMALLARD.
PAPERINIK ALLA RISCOSSA As far as the special devices utilized by Fantomallard are concerned, in the first and second adventures of Duck Avenger some of the tricks found by Donald in Villa Rose are shown. Other than the black costume incorporating the pocket progressive opening parachute and the spring boots (whose allow to jump up to 10 meters -about 30 feet-), we have the hypnotic oil lamp, the double effect candle wax/dynamite, the special acid mushroom, the special acid spray and probably the fast sleep powder and the smoke bomb.
Quite a bit interesting is a drawing in the story THE REVENGE OF DUCK AVENGER where Fantomallard's personal weapon, identifiable as a Colt .45 Model 1911, is well represented. It was probably found by Donald together with the costume. COLT .45 M 1911

Some of the items belong to Fantomallard photographed in Villa Rose. Over the black and red cloack there is a portrait of Fantomallard, the hypnotic oil lamp, the double effect candle wax/dynamite, the Colt. 45 Model 1911 and the blue mask.
PAPERINIK E IL SEGRETO DI FANTOMIUS PAPERINIK E IL SEGRETO DI FANTOMIUS Others interesting devices used by Fantomallard are the melting-locker pen and the pocket glider as well depicted by Marco Gervasio in the story DUCK AVENGER AND THE SECRET OF FANTOMALLARD
The fast sleep powder and a special old style "portable phone " are shown by Marco Gervasio in the first story of the saga THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- titled THE PINK MOUNT IL MONTE ROSA IL MONTE ROSA
IL MONTE ROSA IL MONTE ROSA In the same story other two special devices are used by Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika for their incredible escapes: an aerostatic baloon with propulsive sails and a back pack with foldable gyro-rotors.
These strange machinery brings to mind some of the strange machinery shown in the TV serial (and relevant movie) Wild Wild West.
The balloon with propulsive veils is also used in the last episode of the legendary story THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE BEGINNING AND THE END where in this legendary adventure it is imagined that this flying machine was used to distribute to the citizens of Duckburg the money unjustly stolen by an improbable Flintheart Glomgold in the period of the great crisis in which the hurban legend narration reports that he governed the city by deceit.
Another amazing flying machine called aerocycle and a special climbing device named the elevator are also whown in the second story of the saga THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- titled THE FANTOMALLARD ESCAPE L'EVASIONE DI FANTOMIUS L'EVASIONE DI FANTOMIUS
The aerocycle or winged tandem is also used by Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika after the theft of the painting named Sleeping Beauty in the story THE NIGHT OF FANTOMALLARD LA NOTTE DI FANTOMIUS
LA NOTTE DI FANTOMIUS A special Air-sled hidden in the woods of Villa Lalla is used by Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika in the story THE NIGHT OF FANTOMALLARD
Among the various special devices used by Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika in the second story of the saga there are the famous special acid mushroom, the fast sleep gas, a night vision binoculars and a special belt buckle metal cutting.
Other special devices shown in the third adventure of the saga THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- titled FANTOMALLARD ON BOARD are the special suction disks and the mini water-ski with auto-propulsion.
In the story of Marco Gervasio dedicated to the silent cinema titled THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- PLEASE BE SILENCE a special pen with diamond point is used by Fantomallard to cut a window of the Villa of the actress Gloria Squackson
In the story THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE DAWN OF FANTOMIUS it is shown a special smoke capsule used by the gentleman thief to escape the police.

Another picture taken in Villa Rose shows others items and special devices used by Fantomallard we can identify a vintage picture of Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika, the colt model 1911, the blue mask, the bulb with special acid, the sleep gas, the Villa Rose key, a corrosive liquid spray, an hypnotic liquid spray, and a strange electro-mechanic unidentified device.

Some of the secret devices of Fantomallard including his special gas mask (worn by Duck Avenger in the story PAPERINIK ED IL DRAMMA CICLICO) have been exhibited at Torino Comics in 2022.

In the story THE EIGHTH WONDER OF THE WORLD Marco Gervasio shows another of the amazing machines used by Fantomallard and created by Copernicus, the Fantomarine. This submarine with a nautiloid like shape, was probably designed to discover and collect lost treasures beneath the sea. It is kept hidden in an underground cave in the Dune Bay up to north of Duckburg in the vicinity of Fantomallard' s summer house of Villa Lalla . The secret cave where the Fantomarine is anchored can be reached using a long tunnel, which even if in the story for narrative simplicity and instant reference is referred to be connected with Villa Rose (Villa Rose is located in the foothills away from the coast and is exaggerated and implausible a tunnel that crosses all Duckburg) it is more logic to image the Fantomarine secret cave connected with the basement of Villa Lalla being this Villa located in proximity of the coast. Thus Villa Lalla can be logically imagined as used by the gentleman thief and his companions during the mission that require the use of their special "naval machinery".
In the same story is also shown a particular steam cushion vehicle used by Copernicus to go through the underground tunnel that connects Villa Lalla with the cave in the Dune Bay where the Fantomallard's Fantomarine is anchored.
Fantomallard, Copernicus, Dolly Paprika with the unusual alliance of Lady Mustard and the inspector Pinko use the Fantomarine in the third and fourth episode of the story THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE BEGINNING AND THE END to prevent Flintheart Glomgold from moving away by a ship to South Africa the money stolen from the citizens of Duckburg during the many months in which he govern by deception the city.
In the story THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE DOGE'S TREASURE set in Venice Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika use a special motorized gondola created by Copernicus. This special boat can thus go out from the water canals and travel on ground.
On the cover of the second volume of the comic series DEFINITIVE COLLECTION dedicated to the Fantomallard saga, the Disney artist Marco Gervasio show another of the strange machinery used by the gentleman thief and his friends.
In this image Fantomallard, Dolly Paprika and Copernicus are riding a special flying bi-sidecar.
In the story FANTOMALLARD ON THE SNOW the special steam jet skis, that allow with little effort to achieve a significant speed, are shown.
In the same story Copernicus, in the Ermine's House , shows us some special ear plugs that allow to hear sounds and conversations over long distances. These special equipments were later re-created by Gyro Geraloose (great-grandson of Copernicus ) and used by Duck Avenger.
In the story THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE BOOTY OF THE BARKSERVILLE Fantomallard has some special boots with air jet propulsion to easily walk over the swamp of Greenduck.
In the story THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE DOGE'S TREASURE, Dolly Paprika during a carneval party uses a special explosive hand fan.
In the story THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE NOBLE BEHIND THE MASK, Marco Gervasio shows a special device used by Fantomallard to open the safes. Thus togheter the special acid mushrum and the spring boots this special device was one of the first devices used during the Fantomallard first mission.
In the leggendary story THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE THIEF AND THE BILIONARE, Marco Gervasio images that the hypnotic lamp, which was the first special device used by Duck Avenger during his first mission, was also used by Fantomallard against Scrooge.
Always in the same adventure THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE THIEF AND THE BILIONARE, Fantomallard use a special nose filters against the powerful sleeping gas activated by the secure system of the Scrooge's money bilding.
In the story THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- WITHOUT MASK, Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika are using a special steam jet water-scooter for sure also this one designed by Copernicus.
Note on the background the Duckburg view with the Scrooge McDuck's money bin on the hill. Of course also in this case the money bin has been drawn in a too modern style respect to the period furthermore if we considered some of the Barks indications in that period the money bin was not yet built on the top of the "killmotors hill". So the artist chose to represent the money bin based on Don Rosa interpretation and with the typical shape of the Italian later stories.
In the story THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE NIGHT OF THE GEMES, Fantomallard use a special pen which enables the allarm system of the windows.
In the mythological story THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE TWO AVENGERS, Fantomallard goes to the future in the modern time period of Donal Duck?!. In this adventure he found his old special steam drilling car still inside his secret garage.
Always in this legendary story after that Gyro Gearloose has properly restored this drilling car it has been used by Fantomallard and Duck Avenger to get into the Scrooge Mc Duck Money Bin.
Fantomallard uses earplugs and a special device that disturbs the frequencies in the mythological story DUCK AVENGER, IT ALL STARTED LIKE THIS when according to a mythological-legendary narration traveling into the future he makes Donald become the owner of Villa Rose and turns into Duck Avenger.
In some of his undertakings Fantomallard used to impersonate some other people by using rubber masks (as Duck Avenger would do as well). Some of those masks were found by Donald in the Ermine's house as shown in the story DUCK AVENGER AGAINST THE JUNIOR WOODCHUCKS. It is locical to image that the female masks were utilized by Fantomallard's fianceé Dolly Paprika.
Other masks used by Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika are also shown in the adventures DUCK AVENGER AND THE SECRET OF FANTOMALLARD and DUCK AVENGER AND THE PAST WITHOUT FUTURE
The rubber masks are largelly used both by Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika in all their adventures of the saga THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF-.
In the third adventure of the saga THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- titled PHANOMIUS ON BOARD between the various masks shown in the Fantomallard suitcase one seems to be related to the Uncle Scrooge face. This is a possible indication that Fantomallard was preparing a burglary against Scrooge Mc Duck who in that years was abroad for business. Or maybe Scrooge Mc Duck was also on board of the same ship during this cruise.
Thanks to Marco Gervasio and his story DUCK AVENGER AND THE SECRET OF FANTOMALLARD we know that the special devices used by Fantomallrd were invented and created by his friend and smart inventor Copernicus Geraloose who is the Ratchet Gearloose's father, Fulton Gearloose's grandfather and thus Gyro's Great grandfather. As we know many years later Gyro was the creator of the Duck Avenger's special devices
Therefore in the twelfth episode of the Fantomallard saga titled THE NOBLE BEHIND THE MASK Gervasio shows the first encounter between Lord Quackett and Copernicus Gearloose occurred in the 1910 during a party in the Baron Von Duck's mansion.
A clear reference to the Don Rosa saga of the Scrooge Mc Duck time and life is given again by Gervasio in the story THE NOBLE BEHIND THE MASK where on a portrait in the laboratory of Copernicus Gearloose the image of Ratchet Gearloose (son of Copernicus) is shown. He is represented in the island of Krakatoa. In the same frame is also told that Ratchet is often traveling around the world together with a very rich person!
Ratchet Gearloose appears again, as protagonist, in the story THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- - ON THE TRACKS OF COPERNICUS where he is lured by deception to an island in Costa Rica and then imprisoned by his uncle Cartesio Geraloose in complicity with Flintheart Glomgold until it produces pills for them that can make sea water drinkable. Ratchet Gearloose is helped to escape by his father Copernicus but above all by the intervention of Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika
Another reference to Scrooge Mc Duck is shown in the sixth adventure in the saga of Fantomallard titled THE CURSE OF THE PHARAOH where in the Journal of Duckburg (The Duckburg Times) a paragraph with the news "MC DUCK SEND MORE GOLD ... " can be read. This is a clear philological connection to the saga of Scrooge Mc Duck life and time by Don Rosa according to which the rich duck in that period was just abroad to increase his business, while his sisters in Duckburg take care of his wealth.
Another clear reference to the Don Rosa's saga is shown by Gervasio in the story THE EIGHTH WONDER OF THE WORLD where the two Scrooge sisters Matilda Mc Duck and Hortense Mc Duck with the husband of Hortense Quackmore Duck (the latters, according to the Don Rosa saga, parents of Donald Duck) are in the DUCK teatre (another obvious tribute to Don Rosa) during the show with the huge gorilla Gong.
Another important reference to the Don Rosa saga and to the relatives of Scrooge Mc Duck is shown on a frame in the story DOLLY PAPRIKA where a short article on the Duckburg Times of the 1920 reports the announcement of the birth of the Hortense McDuck's twins. The twins are of course Donald and his sister Della.
Scrooge's two sisters, Matilda McDuck and Hortense McDuck with the latter's husband Quackmore Duck, appear back in history THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- - FANTOMALLARD STRIKES AGAIN. Donald Duck's parents who are apparently friends with Dolly Duck are preparing to leave Duckburg for a holiday trip, leaving their twins at Grandma's farm Duck. In the same sequence it is indicated that Matilda, Scrooge's older sister, has returned to the family castle in Scotland.
In fact in two vignettes of the story THE CURSE OF THE PHARAOH Gevasio also shows an unlikely Scrooge's Money Bin, wrongly represented with its too much modern configuration with the dome which was not still present in the original desing by Barks and Don Rosa. In his saga Gervasio then chooses to follow the version of Don Rosa's universe who wants the Money Bin on the hill already made by Scrooge in 1902 shortly after his arrival in Duckburg. While in the Carl Barks stories initially Scrooge was collecting his money in a Money building located in the city and only in the early 50s he built the famous Money Bin on the hill of Duckburg where the remains of Fort Duckburg were before located.
The Scrooge's Money Bin is also shown in the background of a frame in the next adventure of the Fantomallard saga titled THE EIGHTH WONDER OF THE WORLD
Always a too modern money bin of Scrooge McDuck is shown in the last image of the eleventh adventure of the Fantomallard titled THE DOGE'S TRASURE.
This scene shows us an unexpected and improbable arrival in Duckburg of the owner of the depot who was officially in business around the world in those years.
Also in the story about the origins of Fantomallard titled THE NOBLE BEHIND THE MASK placed in the Duckburg of the 1910, Marco Gervasio is showing on some frames a far-fetched Uncle Scrooge Money bin.
According to a narration as legendary as it is improbable Uncle Scrooge worried about the activities of the gentleman thief?! Temporarily and secretly return to Duckburg in the 1922 as shown by Gervasio in the story FANTOMALLARD OF EGYPT. Even in this case for editorial choices the money bin has been represented in a too modern variant configuration with the dome typic of the Italian stories, while in that period must be only imagined cube-shaped (Don Rosa) or much better as a simple money-building in town being the money bin in the Duckburg's hill not yet built (Barks).
Always in the mythological adventure THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE THIEF AND THE BILIONARE Scrooge after having meet on board of the Titanic Cartesio Gearloose (who tricks the bilionare pretending to be his brother Copernicus Gearloose father of Ratchet friend of Scrooge) convice the bilionare to get a new security system for his money bilding in order to have a better secure against the famous thief Fantomallard. In the reality the true intent of the bad Cartesio is to steal the precious candy striped rubin.
Based on the legend Fantomallard was able to get inside the money building but he did not meet Scrooge. Legend has it that the billionaire received a video message from the gentleman thief anyway on which Fantomallard promise to Scrooge to not steal his money untill he is out of Duckburg, but as soon he will be back Fantomallard declare his intent to steal the Scrooge matress while he is sleeping on it...this intent will be accomplished by Duck Avenger many years later.
Several views of the too modern Scrooge's Money Bin are also shown in the story LE STRABILIANTI IMPRESE DI FANTOMIUS -LADRO GENTILUOMO- NOTRE DUCK (THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- NOTRE DUCK) dedicated to the famous Notre Duck Cathedral.
Another image of the too modern Scrooge's Money Bin it is shows in the story THE NIGHT OF FANTOMALLARD palced in the december of 1930 when the rich tycoon actualy is back to Duckburg after a long absence.
Also in this case the Money Bin was represented in a too modern way and should therefore be imagined either as a simple cube (Don Rosa style) or as a simple monetary building located in the city and not yet on the Killmotors hill (Barks style).
In the legendary story DUCK AVENGER, IT ALL STARTED LIKE THIS Fantomallard almost at the end of his activity as a thief, then in 1930, uses again the unlikely Cuccù time device to go to the future and make sure that actually Donald Duck that takes possession of Villa Rose , find his diary and then become Duck Avenger
The real Fantomallard and his fiancee are shown for the first time in some flash back of the story DUCK AVENGER AND THE TREASURE OF DOLLY PAPRIKA published on the italian comic book TOPOLINO n° 2675 on March 2007. They have been represented again by Marco Gervasion in the story DUCK AVENGER AND THE SECRET OF FANTOMALLARD published on TOPOLINO n° 2902 on July 2011.
Always in the story DUCK AVENGER AND THE MISTERY OF FANTOMALLARD for the first time the typic "persecutor cop" of the misterious thiefs is shown. He is the detective Pinko who is the Grandfather of the Pinko policeman shown in the story DUCK AVENGER AND THE RETURN TO VILLA ROSE who several years later will tray to arrest Duck Avenger. Of course these cops will take reference to the police officer Ginko of Diabolik and Juve enemy of Fantomas
The detective Pinko is also shown, always by Gevasio, in PAPERINIK E IL PASSATO SENZA FUTURO (DUCK AVENGER AND THE PAST WITHOUT FUTURE) where this nevrotic and chaotic policeman is as usual foolished by Fantomallard and in this case also by Duck Avenger disguise as Lord Quackett.
The detective Pinko is present in mostly of the gentleman burglar adventures, and of course during the stories he was never able to definitely arrest his enemy Fantomallard.
In the saga dedicated to Fantomallard titled THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- the Pinko wife Adelaide is also shown. In the same adventures we know that the complete name of the detective is Alcmeone Pinko
The detective Pinko and his wife Adelaide are shown again in the eleventh adventure of the Fantomallard saga titled THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE DOGE'S TREASURE where is also indicated that the wife of Pinko is related to the rich Duke Grimani whose family includes three Venetian Doges.
In the twelfth story of the series dedicated to the gentleman thief THE NOBLE BEHIND THE MASK we are shown Alcmeone Pinko is shows in the Duckburg of the 1910 when it was still was active in uniform with the rank of sergent.
In the fourteenth episode of the saga dedicated to the gentleman thief THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE TREASURE OF FRANCIS DRAKE Alcmeone Pinko is also visiting Villa Rose to investigate about a kidnapping and the mysterious theft of precious stones belonging to a dress. Even in this situation the detective is far from suspecting the true identity of his friend Lord Quackett.
In the legendary episode of the saga dedicated to the gentleman thief THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE THE THIEF AND THE BILIONARE Alcmeone Pinko was almost able to capture Fantomallard on the top of an unlikely Scrooge McDuck's money bin. But at the last second the thief was rescued by his friend Copernicus Gearloose.
Alcmeone Pinko is shown again in the nineteenth adventures of the Fantomallard saga titled THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- WITHOUT MASK. In this story he has been tricked again by the gentleman thief in Ocalulu located in the Sandwich island.
Alcmeone Pinko is also present in another legendary episode of the gentleman thief saga titled THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE CHALLENGE OF FANTOMALLARD where, togerther others famous detectives, he is also invited by Fantomallard to the wax museum of Duckburg for a investigative challenge.
Pinko appears again in the third and fourth episode of the mythological story THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE BEGINNING AND THE END where to defeat Flintheart Glomgold, that urban legend has it that he even seized power in Duckburg in 1929-1930, temporarily allies himself with Fantomallard and his accomplices.
In the story THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE NIGHT OF FANTOMALLARD Flintheart Glomgold provides Pinko (meanwhile downgraded because of his inability to catch the gentleman thief) proof of Fantomallrd's secret identity. Such evidence was given to him by Lady Mustard in exchange for the famous mask of Genghis Ghat.
In the next adventure THE DAWN OF FANTOMALLARD Lord Quackett manages (a bit improbably) to convince the authorities of his innocence and Pinko will be forced for a short time as a punishment to direct the traffic. After Fantomallard makes him "recover" the painting of Sleeping Beauty, the unfortunate policeman is reinterpreted in the role of detective.
In the fourth part of the Fantomallard saga, titled BRUTFAGOR which takes place in Paris the belgian investigator Hercule Paperot is shown for the first time. This character is based on the famous investigator Hercule Poirot created by the writer Agatha Christie. This smart detective after having arrester (thanks also to Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika help) the misterious "Phantom" of the Louvre Brutfagor decides to move in Duckburg and try to catch the famous gentleman burglar Fantomallard.
The Belgian detective Hercule Paperot returns in the eighth story (set in the Dark Peak of the Shady Mountains) of the Fantomallard saga title FANTOMALLARD ON THE SNOW. Also this time despite his great skills Paperot is tricked by the smart Duckburgians thieves.
At the end of this adventure makes its appearance another potential and formidable opponent of Fantomallard the famous English detective Ducklock Holmes with his friend Dr.Duckson. Certainly, the skilled Marco Gervasio introduces the two investigators as a prelude to their involvement in one of the next adventures of the gentleman thief.
Paper Holmes and his friends Dr. Duckson are in fact back again in the tenth adventure dedicated to Fantomallard titled THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE BOOTY OF THE BARKSERVILLE.
In this adventure the smart private detective from London is almost able to arrest the two thiefs and at the end of the story using the simple logic deduction that "after you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth" he guess, even without having the evidence, the true identity of Fantomallard.
The detective Paper Holmes and Hercule Paperot are shown again in the legendary episode of the saga THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE CHALLENGE OF FANTOMALLARD. In this story the two British detectives are a bit improbably invited by Fantomallard in the wax museum of Duckburg for an investigative challenge.
In the same adventure Gervasio shows for the firts time Chick Paper a smart detective from New York and his assistants Rob and Bob and also the writer of criminal novels Jane Purple. Also these characters are invited by Fantomallard in the wax museum for the incredible and legendary challenge.
The detective Paper Holmes and his assistant Dott Duckson are also show in the 25th episode of the saga THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- FANTOMALLARD BACK HOME. In this adventure placed in London during the Christams of the 1925 the detective is hired by Andrew Quackett father of John to investigate a mysterious theft in his home.
In this adventure it is clear that the skilled London investigator has sensed that Lord Quackett is actually Fantomallard.
Also in the twentieth episode of the saga there is an interesting reference to an old character of Gottfredson, the mad scientist Prof. Ecks who in 1924 was the director of the museum of wax of Duckburg. At the end of the story the scientist already demonstrates his criminal nature as in the underground laboratory of the museum he produces latex masks to sell to criminals who try to escape the law.
The same character along with two other crazy scientists (Prof. Doblex and Triplex) in 1932 will be protagonists of the frightening adventure of Mickey Mouse and Horace MICKEY MOUSE IN BLAGGARD CASTLE.
In the ninth story of the saga dedicated to the gentleman thief titled THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF -THE MASK OF FU MAN ETCHù,appears for the first time another formidable opponent of Fantomallard, the Chinese maniacal criminal Dr.Fu Man Etchù. One of the insane intent of this shady character, perpetually cooled, is to subjugate pharmacists around the world in order that they would not provide any more the anti allergic medicine and thus many other people like him will suffer from colds.
The Dr. Fu Man Etch has at his service Jen Yu better known as Lady Mustard, a pretty Chinese girl former girl-friend and accomplice of Fantomallard several years before he met Dolly Duck.
In the eleventh episode of the saga dedicated to Fantomallard titled THE DOGE'S TREASURE Marco Gervasio introduces another formidable opponent of the gentleman thief, the mysterious and dangerous Supreme Guardian head of a secret society known as the Guardians of Venice whose purpose in this first appearance is to get hold of the seven gold symbols of the Doges' power: the horn, the mantle, the sword, the throne, the parasol, eight banners and eight trumpets.
this character is made even more misterious by the fact that it seems know the secret identity of Fantomallard and that he looks so similat in aspect to Copernicus Gearloose!? friend and accomplice of Lord Quackett.
The frightening and mysterious Supreme Guardian reappears in a secret laboratory in the thirteenth episode of the saga dedicated to Fantomallard THE CAGLIOSTRO'S RINGS. In this story the criminal is allied with Lady Mustard and he also decalre that his family name is Gearloose!?
The true identity of the Supreme Guardian is shown in the fourteenth episode of the Fantomallard saga titled THE TRASURE OF FRANCIS DRAKE. The misterious criminal is in fact Cartesius Gearloose twin of Copernicus. In this episode is also show that Cartesius has his secret laboratory in the hideout of the Three Tower Castle and thus he was probably friend or student/assistant of Spokius Spektrus who also was a extravagant inventor.
In the legendary episode of the Fantomallard saga titled THE THIEF AND THE BILIONARE, Copernicus Geraloose remaind how during the first year of College due to the bad behaviour of his twin brother Cartesius, he was expelled in the 1869 from the California University of Berkeley.
Always in this legendary adventure Cartesius is able to steal from Scrooge the precious candy striped rubin. After this robbery he excape to his secret laboratory insidethe Three Tower Castle.
Fantomallard and Copernicus are able to recover the rubin but the bad Cartesius excape one more time.
Cartesio appears again in episode 24th of the saga on Fantomallard entitled ON THE TRACKS OF COPERNICUS. In this adventure the manic inventor in complicity with Flintheart Glomgold deceive in an island of Costa Rica Ratchet Gearloose son of Copernicus to produce pills for them to make sea water drinkable so that they can produce it in mass and sell it all over the world.
In the twelfth episode of the series dedicated to the gentleman thief titled THE NOBLE BEHIND THE MASK Marco Gervasio shows us Sigisbert who is the butler of Lord Quackett at Villa Rose in 1910. Veru likely this Butler was dismissed with the arrival of Copernicus and then Jen Yu alias Lady Mustard at Villa Rose.
In the story THE AMAZING VENTURES OF FANTOMALLARD-GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE NIGHT OF THE GEMES the author introduces a new terrible enemy of Fantomallard the South African tycoon Flintheart Glomgold the criminal adversary of Scrooge Mc Duck.
Flintheart Glomgold is in fact back in the next history with a legendary flavor and improbable time travel in the current days THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE TWO AVENGERS where he abducts Dolly Paprika, when she involontary goes into the future, and he blackmailed Fantomallard asking him to make a robbery against Scrooge Mc Duck.
Both Flintheart Glomgold and Lady Mustard are back again in the adventure THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE SEVENTH ART. In this story the two villains together try to stoll a preciuos necklace belong to the famous movie star Gloria Squackson, but they are tricked by Fantomallard.
Flintheart Glomgold returns again this time allied with Cartesio history ON THE TRACKS OF COPERNICUS where the dangerous tycoon and the maniacal inventor attract by deception in an island of Costa Rica Ratchet Gearloose son of Copernicus to produce for them pills that can make sea water drinkable so that they can be produced in bulk and sold worldwide, not caring for the serious alteration that this invention would cause to the marine ecosystem if used on a large scale.
According to an urban legend Flintheart Glomgold is shown acting in Duckburg in the third and fourth episode of the story THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE BEGINNING AND THE END where legend has it that in 1929-1930 taking advantage of the great economic crisis, the absence of Scrooge Mc Duck, he improbably succeeds by deception to take power in the city and then govern it in a despotic manner by inventing taxes and absurd rules to get rich to the detriment of already impoverished citizens.
At the end of this mythological and improbably adventure Fantomallard manages to steal and return the money looted by Flintheart Glomgold to the Duckburg citizens, forcing him to leave the city and return to South Africa.
At the end of the story THE DAWN OF FANTOMALLARD Flintheart Glomgold tries to take revenge on Fantomallard by sending, with the complicity of Lady Mustard, to the Duckburg police a photo that reveals the true identity of the gentleman thief.
An unlikely younger Flintheart Glomgold with colored and greasy hairs is shown in the saga DUCKBRIDGE, where he improbably pretends to be a professor of latin just to fing a treasure belong to an ancestor of one of the students of Barkserville family.
In this legendary adventure the true intentions of Flintheart Glomgold are discovered by the young John Quackett who forces him to resign and prevents him from getting to the treasure by destroying the map found by Glomgold> in a book from the Paperbridge library.
In the mini saga PAPERBRIDGE (DUCKBRIDGE) placed during the first years of the 1900, during the period in which the young Lord Quackett (Quacky for the class mates) attends the British College of Duckbridge. In this serie Marco Gervasio shows us the first experiences as thief of the future Fantomallard. In this College the young Quackett is accepted in the brotherhood named the "Maskeds" in which the master (who is often wearing the The sinister "mask of the plague") has a double life as Latin professor in the College during the day and the teacher of a secret school of the crime during the night.
This professor call himself with the nickname of "Krimen" and he is the same character named by Guido Martina in the story PAPERINIK E LA SCUOLA DEL KRIMEN (DUCK AVENGER AND THE SCHOOL OF KRIMEN) where many years later the last students of the school of the Krimen, which meanwhile it has been moved to USA, after the professor death in the Duckburg jail, they will be involved in some situation against Duck Avenger.
As any famous bandit or masked avenger who had a helper or a female partner (Diabolik-Eva Kant, Zorro-Bernardo, Fantomas-Lady Beltham, Arsene Lupin-Grognard and Natasha ecc...) also Fantomallard realized his undertakings together with his fianceé Dolly Paprika.
DOLLY PAPRIKA In the first adventures little was known about the true identity of this character, in these stories she was in fact impersonated by Daisy, who was wearing the strange red costume with bat or fox style long ears, for a masquerade party. As above mentioned the real Dolly Paprika is shown for the first time in some images of the story DUCK AVENGER AND THE TREASURE OF DOLLY PAPRIKA FANTOMALLARD E DOLLY PAPRIKA
In this story Marco Gervasio shows also the worty pendant of Dolly Paprika which is the secret key for a room, located in the Villa Rose hideout, where Fantomallard keeps his treasure. The entrance of this secret room is hide by a big portrait of Dolly Paprika. Because of the signature this portrait has been painted by Fantomallard himself.
Always in the story DUCK AVENGER AND THE TREASURE OF DOLLY PAPRIKA, a small picture in a room of Villa Rose more likely attested the real aspect of the misterious Fantomallard fiancee; a pretty girl with fair hair comb in the style used during the 20s.
The real look of the Fantomallard accomplice is finaly revealed by Gervasio in his important story PAPERINIK E IL PASSATO SENZA FUTURO (DUCK AVENGER AND THE PAST WITHOUT FUTURE) where in the 1920 there is the second decisive encounter between Fantomallard and his future fiance.
In this story it is also said the true name of Dolly Paprika which is Dolly Duck.
This beautiful story was published on the Italian Disney comic TOPOLINO n. 2933. The cover of this comic was also drawn by the awesome artist Marco Gervasio and dedicated to Dolly Paprika and Duck Avenger.
In the story THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- DOLLY PAPRIKA the first fleeting encounter between Lord Quackett and Dolly Duck is shown. It appened in the 1913 during a boring costume party.
Always in the story THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- DOLLY PAPRIKA the mother and Margaret, the sister of Dolly Duck, are shown in their dancing school. In the same adventure is also shown Lucrezia the eccentric friend of Dolly.
In the third and fourth episode of the legendary story THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE BEGINNING AND THE END Dolly Paprika uses a new captivating costume completely black, so much so that it is defined Dark Paprika.
In the second episode of the story THE NIGHT OF FANTOMALLRD the gentleman thief and his partner wear white winter costumes in order to better blend in in the snowy environment during their emergency escape from Villa Lalla.

Drawing by Marco Gervasio.
For the mission in snow environment it is logically to guess that Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika worn some special outfit more suitable during the snow winter period.
In the story THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- DOLLY PAPRIKA also the origin of Dolly Paprika's red fox costume is shown. It is inspired by the Red Fox jewel belonged to her friend Lucrezia and whose recovery at the home of a rich moneylender creditor was the first theft performed by Dolly Duck in the role of Dolly Paprika.
In the ninth episode of the series dedicated to Fantomallard titled THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE MASK OF FU MAN ETCHù Marco Gervasio introduces us to the intriguing character of Jen Yu better known as Lady Mustard, a pretty girl former girl-friend and accomplice of Fantomallard several years before that Lord Quackett met Dolly Duck.
In this story Lady Mustard is at the service of the fearsome criminal Fu Man Etchù and shows a tormented love-hate feeling for Lord Quackett.
In subsequent adventures, it will be known that Jen Yu comes from a Chinese farmer family and she is a descendant of Ching Shih, the nick name of the piratess who terrorized the China Sea at early 19th century.
Jen Yu will appear again in the thirteenth episode of the series dedicated to the Fantomallard saga titled THE CAGLIOSTO'S RINGS, and in some flashback sequences when in 1914 she was still an accomplice of Fantomallard and also in the same story set in Vienna in 1922 in which she tries to seize the treasure of the Count Cagliostro
.In this story Lady Mustard is not the accomplice of Fu Man Etchù but she is serving the criminal called the Supreme Guardian leader of the sect the Guardians of Venice.
Lady Mustard is back in the story titled THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE SEVENTH ART. This time she is accomplice of the evil southafrican tycoon Flintheart Glomgold.
Lady Mustard is the protagonist of the prologue of the mithological adventure THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- THE BEGINNING AND THE END where the thief, former accomplice of Fantomallard, sneaks into Villa Rose to try to steal the mask of Genghis Ghat but she is forced to escape using the cucù of time, transporting herself to the future at the modern time?! of Donald Duck before he finds Fantomallard's diary.
Lady Mustard appears in all episodes of the story, in particular in the third and fourth episode she allies again with Fantomallrd to defeat her former accomplice Flintheart Glomgold. In this adventure, Lady Mustard wears a new black costume and changes her nickname to Black Mustard.
In the story THE NIGHT OF FANTOMALLARD Lady Mustard betrays the gentleman thief by handing over to an emissary of Flintheart Glomgold the evidence of Fantomallrd's secret identity in exchange for the famous mask of Genghis Ghat.
At the end of the story THE DAWN OF FANTOMALLARD Jen Yu reads the news that Lord Quackett has been cleared and she is happy after all.
The prologue of this long story is preceded by a nice editorial by Barbara Garufi dedicated to the thief Jen Yu alias Lady Mustard which summarizes the previous stories in which the character appears, his sinister complicity and the counterposition with Dolly Paprika.

As far as Fantomallard's true identity and name are concerned, an interesting indication is given by Marco Gervasio in his recent story DUCK AVENGER AND THE FANTOMALLARD's SHADE, where during a school excurtion to Villa Rose's remains, the teacher of Donald's nephews describes to them the story of the mansion: " These are the remains of Villa Rose, which belonged to Lord Quackett long ago! Because he didn't have any heirs the mansion become state property".
This sentence corresponds to what is said in the first story, that Villa Rose's owner (who we know to be Fantomallard) disappeared without heirs, thus we can deduce that Lord Quackett is nothing more than the true name of Fantomallard!.
The first name of Lord Quackett which is John appears for the first time in the Gervaso's story DUCK AVENGER AND THE MISTERY OF FANTOMALLARD.
It is not clear where the second surname Lamont comes from. It is logically to be intended as his mother's family name of a probably frech origin. It is anyway a right tribute to the french origin of some of the characters of the french letterature whom the gentleman burglar Fantomallard is derived from.
At the beginning little was known about the aspect of Lord Quackett alias Fantomallard, the only references were in some paintings in the story DUCK AVENGER AND THE RETURN TO VILLA ROSE, where Fantomallard face (squared bill, deep glance, curly feathers) without the dark-blue mask is shown.
About his characteristic mask, in the beautiful novelized version of the first story, Guido Martina, describing the moment when Donald found Fantomallard's costume, lets us know as follows: "lifting the cover of the false bottom armchair, there was the night black costume with the black cloak, well folded and protected by moth-balls as well as the spring sole boots which allow 30 feet jumps.
There was also a silk dark mask but Donald didn't make use of it: he had already decided what to use to hide his face!"
It seems that in the beginning also Duck Avenger should have worn the blue mask of Fantomallard, but to avoid confusion between the younger readers was chosen, in this first story, to left Duck Avenger without any mask.
Other sinister pictures of Duckburg's gentleman thief placed in Villa Rose's secret undergrounds are shown in the stories DUCK AVENGER AND THE SUMMER IN VILLA LALLA and DUCK AVENGER AND THE FANTOMALLARD's SHADOW.
An important indication is present in the story DUCK AVENGER AND THE TREASURE OF DOLLY PAPRIKA where on a picture a blond girl with short hair and an old fashion handsome are shown. More likely these are the portraits of Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika.
In the same story and in the story DUCK AVENGER AND THE MISTERY OF FANTOMALLARD the images of the Mad Duke of Duckburg and the Phantom of Notre Duck are present in Villa Rose as well. This is also a possible indication that these misterious characters could have been related with Lord Quackett or his fiancee.
This connection is in fact confirmed on the biography of Lord Quackett published in Italy on the special volume DEFINITIVE COLLECTION edited by PANINI where it is said that the Mad Duke of Duckburg who his real name is Duke Richard Quackett is an ancestor of Lord Quackett and that he was arived in today's Duckburg with the ship Francis Drake in 1579 and later took possession of various land.
A picture of the Phantom of Notre Duck, is still present in the Villa Rose hideout during the time period of Duck Avenger when the Villa is already destroyed.
In fact in some images of the twelfth story of the saga of Fantomallard dedicated to the origins of the gentleman thief titled THE NOBLE BEHIND THE MASK, Gervasio shows us definitively in one of the rooms of Villa Rosa another portrait of the Mad Duke with the indication of his name.
In the eighteen episode of the saga dedicated to Fantomallard titled NOTRE DUCK the author Marco Gervasio Reveals the identity of the mysterious character shows in a picture at Villa Rose who looks like the Phantom of Notre Duck. He was a relative of Lord Quackett's mother Marie Lamont . In 1700 in Paris he was a royal tax collector wearing a black costume to fear the debtors when he was collecting taxes.
In the same story, the black costume is taken up by Henry Quackett brother of John to become the first Phantom of Notre Duck.
In the fourteenth adventure of Fantomallard saga is finally clarified the story and the identity of the Mad Duke. The Duke Richard Quackett arived in New Albion (renamed Drake Borough) together the crew of Francis Drake in the 1579. The Duke remained in Drake Borough together other settlers after having stollen part of the booty that Francis Drake should have given to the Queen Elizabeth I of England. Than he vested some lands and he built some medieval style castles and manors like his famous castle, the Three Towers Castle and the Dismal Valley Manor.
In the 1585 Sir Francis Drake come back to Drake Borough in order to get back the part of his trasure stolled by the Mad Duke. But the Duke warned by his friend Count of Malasorte was able to hide what was left of the trasure and escape probaly in one of his other misterious manors like the Three Tower Castle or the Dismal Valley Manor not known by Francis Drake.
In the prologue of the CLASSICI DISNEY THE MYSTERIES OF FANTOMALLARD published in July 2022 it is shows when in 1577 in the arbour of Plymouth Richard Quackett to escape some creditors is forced to embark with the crew of Sir Francis Drake .
In the story DUCK AVENGER AND THE GOLD TOWER we are told that Richard Quackett used Francis Drake's gold (after hiding it for a while in the "fourth tower" of the castle of the three towers) to help first settlers settled in the area to build the Cape Quack lighthouse.
Other unidentified portraits are also present in Villa Rose. These could represent possible ancestors of Fantomallard or Dolly Paprika, or even historical duckburgian characters not necessarly related with them.
Another strange reference is also given by Marco Gervasio in the fourth part of the Fantomallard' saga titled THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF- BRUTFAGOR where in an antique shop of Paris a portrait with a misterious black masked duck is shown. Even if the images reminds the profile of Duck Avenger, for sure in the 1920 he was not yet existing thus we can reasonably suppose that the image represent the relative of Marie Lamont who in the Paris of 1700 was a Royal tax collector famous because his black costume worn to scare the debtors.
Also at Villa Rosa in the story THE CURSE OF THE PHARAOH Gervasio shows a picture with the parents of Lord Quackett (Lord Andrew Quackett and Marie Lamont) with on the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower. Another reference to the French origins of the gentleman thief's mother.
Another picture with the parents of Fantomallard is hanging in a living room in the Ermine's House as shown in the story FANTOMALLARD ON THE SNOW
In a frame of the story FANTOMALLARD OF EGYPT the house of the Quackett family is represented during the 1916. In this image an awards with the name Howard Quackett is shown. we can reasonably imagine he was the grandfather of John and Henry and that he could has been a prominent lawyer lived in London during the middle of the 1800.
In the story FANTOMALLARD BACK HOME the portrait of Howard Quackett is shown and it has been told that several years before John's grandfather robbed the rich banker Crumb, who had defrauded savers, to returning the money to the defrauded.
The Parisian origins and the name of the Lord Quackett's mother, Marie Lamont Are finally revealed in the story FANTOMALLARD ON THE SNOW In fact in the Ermine's House there is a picture with he image of the Child John Quackett in the arms of his mother Marie in Paris.
In a flashback of the story THE DOGE'S TRASURE Marco Gervasio shows the house in London where the young John Quackett used to live with his family. In some images the child John ten years old togheter his father the Duke Andrew Quackett are shown.
Always in some flashback of the story THE NOBLE BEHIND THE MASK Marco Gervasio shows again some childhood episodes of John Quackett and his relationship with his father about the worldly acquaintances the rich nobles of his time attending the boring costume party
In the same story also it appears for the first time the older brother of John, Henry Quackett wearing a costume of a royal guard for a costume party. The basic tights and cape will be used many years later just by John Quackett as the costume for Fantomallard
Henry Quackett disappeared in the 1916 was found by John and Dolly in the 1922 as shown in the story FANTOMALLARD OF EGYPT. In this adventure is told that during those years Henry has studied in solitary the architectural techniques of ancient cultures, and finally he decided to live with the people of the surviving civilization of Atlantis beneath the desert of Sahara.
In the same adventure the author Marco Gervasio let us know that the architect Henry Quackett has been commissioned by John to design Villa Rose and the relevant secret hideout.
Henry Quackett is back in the story NOTRE DUCK. In this adventure dressing a black costume he made several thefts with the with the far-fetched and legendary purpose of helping the Atlantis peoples to rebuild their city destroyed destroyed by a natural cataclysm. Henry hides his booty in the Undergrounds of Notre Duck Cathedral which was designed by himself in the 1916. He keep for himselfs only the coins needed for his eccentric hobby that is to rebuild a "monetary" model of Notre Duck.
Another ghost that will appear in the future in the history of Carl Bark, probably an heir of Henry Quackett, will try to steal a whole wheelbarrow of coins from Scrooge's Money Bin.
In another picture, visible in the history THE CURSE OF THE PHARAOH Lord Quackett is represented next to a typical aircraft of the World War I. This picture makes us plausibly assume that Lord Quackett has served in Europe during the Great War as a fighter pilot in the armed forces of some country allied states.
In fact Marco Gervasio makes a beautiful drawing of Lord Quackett aviator in France during the First World War. In this image the future Fabntomallard is represented together with Salimbeti evidently his friend and another pilot from Duckburg.
In the third issue of the special comic book PANINI COMICS; FANTOMIUS-ladro gentiluomo- a beautiful drawing shows the Quackett family with their ancestor the Duke Richard Quackett better known with the nickname of Mad Duke, the Duke Andrew Quackett, Marie Lamont and their sons Henry Quackett and John Quackett alias Fantomallard.

As for the biography published on the special comic book PANINI COMICS Volume 1; FANTOMIUS-ladro gentiluomo- and considering some indications present on several episode of the Fantomallard' saga, leaving aside the very legendary and mythical events, it is possible to reconstruct some major events of Lord Quackett and his family life and times:
In 1579, together the crew of Sir Francis Drake arives in New Albion (today Duckburg) the Duke Richard Quackett, better known with the nick name of Mad Duke. He took possession of several areas and realize some manors in medieval style.
In 1585, the Mad Duke escape from his main castle after having stollen part of the trasure of Sir Francis Drake the famous corsair who served the Queen Elizabeth I of England. The Mad Duke probably hide himself in one of his other misterious manors.
In 1885 John Quackett was born in London. He was the second son of the Duke Andrew Quackett and Marie Lamont of Paris.
In 1903-1906 John Quackett attend the College of Duckbridge getting a Bachelor Degree in Natural Science.
In 1908, at the age of 23, John Quackett moved to Duckburg on the lands belonged to his family and with the help of his brother Henry (who is an architect) they built Villa Rose, his main living house, and the other secret hideouts, afterthat his brother goes back to London.
In 1910 John Quackett meets the eccentric inventor Copernicus Gearloose (great grandfather of Gyro Gearloose) and he starts his gentleman thief career with the name of Fantomallard. Copernicus also moves to Villa Rose.
In 1912 Fantomallard meets the fascinating chinese thief Jen Yu, alias Lady Mustard, they becomes lover and accomplices for a couples of years.
In 1916 Henry Quackett brother of John comes back to Duckburg to starts the construction of the famous cathedral Notre Duck, but during the works he mysteriously disappears without a trace. John found him in Egypt in 1922 discovering that Henry during those years has studied in solitary the architectural techniques of ancient cultures.
In 1916-1918 Lord Quackett is involved in Europe in the First World War as a fighter pilot for the Allied Powers.
In 1920,during a robbery in a family of nobles in Duckburg, Lord Quackett disguised as Fantomallard meets Dolly Duck (fleetingly already known in 1913 which becomes his fiancèe and accomplice assuming the name of Dolly Paprika.
In 1924 Henry Quackett returns secretely to Duckburg and he refugees in the Notre Duck Cathedral which he designed and built in 1916. He disguises himself with a black suit becoming the misterious Phantom of Notre Duck. Some decades later another misterious black Phantom, heir of the first one, will try to robbing a whole wheelbarrow of coins from Scrooge's Money Bin in order to complete his "monetary" model of Notre Duck.
In 1925, during Christmas at the parental home in London Lord Quackett discovered that his grandfather Howard Quackett several years before robbed the rich banker Crumb, who had grown rich behind the savers, to returning the money to the defrauded.
In 1925-1926, Jen Yu and Cartesius Gearloose team up with the rich South African tycoon Flintheart Glomgold who also becomes a great enemy of Fantomallard.
In 1929, Jen Yu reveals to Flintheart Glomgold the true identity of Fantomallard.
In 1930, with an anonymous letter Flintheart Glomgold to take revenge on Fantomallard he informs Pinko of the true identity of the gentleman thief.
In 1930, probably due to the great crisis and the investigations of Pinko, who is now quite certain of the true identity of the gentleman thief, Fantomallard, Dolly Paprika and Copernicus are forced to leave Villa Rose and move to the refuge of Villa Lalla.
In 1931 because both the great crisis and probably the return to the city of Scrooge, Lord Quackett, Dolly Duck and Copernicus Gearloose decide to stop the activity of thieves by abandoning all hideouts.
In the second volume of the special comic book PANINI COMICS; FANTOMIUS-ladro gentiluomo- are presented some major events of Dolly Duck and his family life and times:
In 1606 Captain John Duck, British sailor and writer, is one of the founders of the first colony of Jamestown in the American territory of Virginia. He become governor of the area after marrying "Small Playful",the daughter of the Chief of the Native American tribe Powhatan.
In 1848 Samuel Duck, a descendant of John Duck and grandfather of Dolly, migrates from the east coast states in California for the gold rush. After becoming wealthy, Samuel Duck is established in Duckburg, where his cousin Dabney Duck (Grandfather of Donald) has a farm. Samuel Duck has a son named Clement.
In 1890 Dolly Duck was born in Duckburg. she is the second daughter of the wealthy landowner Clement Duck and Samantha Gander (great-aunt Gladstone). She is a famous dancer, who immediately tries to induce her daughters in his passion.
In 1905-1913 Dolly attend, along with older sister Margaret, the famous Dance Academy of Duckburg, acquiring physical skills as well as the agility and balance and the other important psychic abilities such as concentration and emotional control that shall be very useful later on.
Nel 1913 during a boring costume party Dolly knows for the first time Lord Quackett that will meet again only in 1920.
In 1915 Dolly leaves the dance, because intolerant of the high society sphere. Her Sister Margaret, instead leave Duckburg to continue a successful career as a dancer.
In 1920, at a party in a villa of nobles in Duckburg, Dolly meets for the first time Fantomallard and she becomes his companion and accomplice with the name of Dolly Paprika.
In the third volume of the special PANINI COMICS; Fantomius-LADRO GENTILUOMO- is instead presented a card with the biography of Copernicus Gearloose and his family:
In 1825 the young inventor Leonardo Gearloose opens in San Francisco California a laboratory for steam machines design and a few years later he married the French artist Elisabeth Leduck.
In 1844 the twins Copernicus and Cartesius were born. Copernicus immediately showed that he had inherited his father's genius, building since he was young complex equipments, but for which his brother, less brilliant, often gets credit.
In 1850 after the annexation of the California to the United States, the Gearloose family moved to Duckburg the city state of Calisota.
In 1862 The twins are High school graduating.
In 1863 Copernicus applies to get the patent for his first invention; a portable voice communicator, and began his career as inventor, renting a small workshop in a basement in Duckburg. Instead his brother becomes an apprentice of the mysterious Spokius Spectrus working in his secret laboratory in the Three Towers Castle.
In 1864 Copernicus married the ballerina Anastasia Anatryn and they have a son Ratchet Gearloose. A few years after some mysterious events his wife disappeared and the young Ratchet leaves Duckburg to look for her.
In 1868 Copernicus applied for the new University of California in Berkeley (where he met the Egyptologist Howard Duck) but never stop working to his inventions. It was expelled the following year because of his brother.
In 1880 Ratchet, brilliant like his father, was in Louisville, Kentucky where he sells pills able to purify the muddy water of the Mississippi river. In that place he was noticed by the young Scrooge MucDuck of which will become friend and companion in adventures.
In 1883, Ratchet and Scrooge are witness of the famous eruption of Krakatoa vulcano in Indonesia.
In 1890 Ratchet returned to Duckburg and a year later his son Fulton Gearloose was born Fulton will be the future father of the famous Gyro Gearloose.
In 1906 Ratchet left again Duckburg, probably with his friend Scrooge, visiting different countries in the world.
In 1910 Copernicus Gearloose knows the noble of Anglo-French origin Lord Quackett alias Fantomallard and after some events they become good friend and Copernicus moved to Villa Rose where he made for Fantomallard a variety of pecial devices.
In the fourth issue of the special comic book PANINI COMICS; FANTOMIUS-ladro gentiluomo- a beautiful drawing shows the Gearloose family with Leonardo Gearloose father of Copernicus and Cartesius, The well known Ratchet Gearloose and Fulton Gearloose but very important Marco Gervasio also includes (not in the version printed in the PANINI comic) Sonia Pardalto mother of Gyro Gearloose which was shown for the first time in a Brasilian story.


The real face of Lord Quackett alias Fantomallard is finaly shown by Marco Gervasio in the story PAPERINIK E IL PASSATO SENZA FUTURO (DUCK AVENGER AND THE PAST WITHOUT FUTURE) which is placed in the Duckburg of the 1920. Well made is the general outfits of the character with his Diabolik stile black hair and his romantic and gallant behaviour who remaind the gentleman thief Arsène Lupin.
In this beautiful and important story the character of Lord Quackett is also interpreted by Duck Avenger who for a mistake has been transferred into the past and is thus obligated to interfere with the events of the real Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika.
On the Italian Disney comic book TOPOLINO n. 2972 November 2012 the saga dedicated to the adventures of Fantomallard it is for the first time published. These stories, sometime even improbable, legendary and mythological, have been created by the good artist and writer Marco Gervasio and are titled THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF-. All these adventures taking place in the first two decades of the 1900 and their shown some of the most remarkable ventures of Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika in a perfect old style and with several references to famous characters from letterature and history comics like Fantomas, Arsène Lupin, Diabolik, Zorro, etc..
All the episodes of the Fantomallard saga are described in the dedicated page THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF-
On the Italian Disney comic book TOPOLINO n. 3379 August 2020 starts a mini saga, always created by Marco Gervasio, placed during the first years of the 1900. These adventures are completelly dedicated to the young Lord Quackett during the period when he was attending the british college of PAPERBRIDGE (DUCKBRIDGE). The first story of this saga is titled DUCKBRIDGE- THE NIGHT OF THE BROTHERHOOD and is shown a eighteen years old John Quackett, nicknamed by his class mates Quacky. The young Quackett is a bully and arrogant as well as a classist towards his roommate Tom Ducket of non-noble origins and of a family no longer wealthy.
The saga therefore takes place between 1903 and 1907 in a typical setting of an English college reserved mainly for students from wealthy families but in rare cases also open to particularly deserving students from a scholastic point of view who are able to pay the substantial tuition with scholarships. In the saga there are therefore references to secret brotherhoods and to the typical mandatory sport disciplines of the Anglo-Saxon colleges. The mini saga is also correlated with interesting editorial introductions by Barbara Garufi.
Also in this case congratulations to Marco Gervasio and to the entire editorial staff of TOPOLINO for the beautiful mini saga that shows us a period interesting of the character and cultural development of the future gentleman thief.
All the episodes of the Fantomallard are described at the end of the page THE ASTOUNDING ENDEAVOURS OF FANTOMALLARD -GENTLEMAN THIEF-
Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika, during their cruise on board of the Pacific Quack, are also shown in a couple of frame in the third part of the story PAPERINIK SULL'OCEANO SCOMBINATO (PHANTON DUCK ON THE CHAOTIC OCEAN).
In this story Duck Avenger is involved in strange temporal distorsion caused by the mad scientist Emil Eagle which brings back ships coming from different time periods in a area of the Pacific Ocean.
Duck Avenger pretends to be the ghost of Fantomallard in the story of Salati and Mazzon PAPERINIK E L'ALTRO PAPERINO (DUCK AVENGER AND THE OTHER DONALD).
In this strange adventure Duck Avenger is transferred by a inter-dimensional gate in an alternative reality where Donald after having inherit all the money of Uncle Sgrooge, dediced to not wear anymore the costume of Duck Avenger.
In the story of Mazzoleni and Asaro PAPERINIK E IL RITORNO DI LÈBRICCONS (DUCK AVENGER AND THE RETURN OF LÈBRICCONS) a minor and not very smart challenger of is introduced. His name was Arsenio Lèbriccons and he also during the 20s tried to made some robbery in a vain attempt to rival the gentleman thief and to impress Dolly Paprika .
Also in this story Duck Avenger takes on the role of Fantomallard to unmask an heir of Arsenio Lèbriccons named Lucas- a cameraman of the Duck News-. This new Lèbriccons made several robbery which had been previously failed by his ancestor during the 20s with the purpose of bringing to the nowday pubblic the name of Arsenio Lèbriccons.
Both Gladstone and Donald are wearing the costume of Fantomallard in the story of Mazzoleni and De Lorenzi PAPERINIK COLPISCE ANCORA (DUCK AVENGER STRIKES AGAIN. In this adventure is also shown for the first time the Dismal Valley Manor one of the secret hideout of Fantomallard. Being an old fake-medieval castle we can image that it was laso made by the famous Mad Duke (Duke Richard Quackett) ancestor of Lord John Quackett.
Lord Quackett and Dolly Duck are also shown by Bruno Enna and Paolo De Lorenzi in the second episode of the story THE GREAT RACE titled THE PAST. In this adventure In fact, some well known characters of Duckburg are involved by a strange elf named Gin in a car race through the time in order to find the place where has been hidden the stollen first dime Scrooge.
Returning to late 20's, thus at the time of the gentleman thief, Donald and Daisy go to Villa Rose where they meet the true Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika.
In this story Fantomallard also meet the maniac Mad Ducktor alter ego split of Gyro Gearloose also him involved in the temporal car race.
Besides the reference to the saga of Fantomallard by Marco Gervasio, Bruno Enna e Paolo De Lorenzi also introduced in the story several references coming from some stories by Don Rosa as for instance the Money Bin in Duckburg already in the 1929 and the fact that Scrooge was not present in Duckburg in that period.
A very beautiful sculpture of Lord Quackett is created by the talented artist Giulio Golinelli. This awesome representation is part of the private collection of the Disney artist and writer Marco Gervasio who is the creator of the adventures of Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika.
In the August of 2024 two splendid decks of cards designed by Marco Gervasio are released as an attachment to italian comic book TOPOLINO, in some of these cards various characters linked to Fantomallard are represented.
Fabrizio Milovich made this beautiful cover Definitive Collection style dedicated to Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika.
Marco Gervasio made this awesome drawing with Lord Quackett and Fantomallard for a Greek Fanzine.
In this nice acrylic painting, the Italian artist Andrea Cipolla hypothesizes a very young Lord Quackett together with his mother walking near the family mausoleum in England at the end of the 1800s.
In this interesting painting the same Andrea Cipolla shows a teenage Lord Quackett photographed together with the Irish author Oscar Wilde, a scene which could takes place in Cannes in 1899.
A very beautiful representation of Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika in a possible human variant in the style of some comics noir character of the 60s has been created by the brillant artist FaGian.
These and others Disney related representation are visible on this website
From the website of FaGian are also these awesome drawings with Fantomallard and Dolly Paprika with the armchair in Villa Rose and compared to other famous thiefs of the italian comics; Diabolik and Eva Kant.
On the occasion of the release of the film DIABOLIK broadcast in Italy in 2020, Marco Gervasio is inspired by the poster of the film to draw the one dedicated to FANTOMALLARD.
In the 2022 on the italian comic IL GRANDE DIABOLIK (THE BIG DIABOLIK) a story titled THE SHADOW OF THE PAST introduces a sort of "proto-Diabolik", a masked thief, named the Shadow who act during the 20s. This villain who remind the Fantomas of the early novels, it seems also based on the Gervasio character of Fantomallard. This for the historical period in which he acts, for some of his special gadgets and for for an inventor friend who creates the devices used during the thefts.


This drawing shows the gentleman thief Fantomallard and his girlfriend Dolly Paprika during one of their bold robbery actions, carried out in a suggestive full moon night in Duckburg's downtown during the early 1900s.
On this drawing was chosen to represent the "killmotors" hill with the remains of Fort Duckburg then in accordance with the stories of Carl Barks according to which the famous Money Bin on the Duckburg hill was built by Scrooge only in the 50s.
n France in 2022, issue 11 of the magazine PICSOU SOIR publishes an interesting article by Simone Cavazzuti on the origins of Fantomallard and the related saga of Marco Gervasio.
The article entitled FANTOMIUS COURT-THE TOUJOURS? describes the first Duck Avenger stories in which Fantomallard is mentioned and the subsequent interpretations of the character by Marco Gervasio and in some Danish stories.
Even if it has nothing to do with the real Fantomallard, there is a strange curiosity in Martina's story LA RISPOSTA DI PAPERINIK (DUCK AVENGER's ANSWER) published in the Italian comic PAPERINO MESE n° 138 December 1991, where Duck Avenger is helped in one of his missions by a strange small robot built by Gyro.
This mechanical man "who looks like Frankenstein", wore a Duck Avenger-like costume with the letter F on the chest. And he is called Fantomallard by his creator.
An Historical parody of Fantomallard and Duck Avenger it is shown by Gabriele Panini e Alessandro Del Conte in the story PAPERINIK DEI TEMPI OSCURI- IL RITORNO DEL CAVALIERE VENDICATORE TOP. 2280 (DUCK AVENGER OF THEDARK AGE- THE RETURN OF THE AVENGER KNIGHT.
In this parody, placed around the 1000 AD in the Britain county of Duckshire, a misterious Avenger Knight wearing a costume similar to the one of Fantomallard was fighting against the malefic Magica the which.
Like Fantomallard also the Avenger Knight has an hide secret hideout, he use special devices and he wrote his memoirs on a diary.
Of course also in this case the secret hideout, the diary and the costume of the Avenger Knight were found many years later by Donaldin whom decided to imitate the deeds of the Avenger Knight fighting against the Magica the which also with the help of his friend and inventor Gyrus.
A modern version (PK style) of Fantomallard is shown in the Danish story THE LEGACY published in 2005. In this adventure, after several years of isolation in an oriental monastery where he went through martial arts training, the gentleman thief comes back to Duckburg as an old master to know and train the mysterious Duck Avenger who has become his heir.
Two short flashback of this "Macrocephalus" variant of Fantomallard are shown in the Danish story SOUND AND FURY and MISTAKEN IDENTITY.
Another Flashback of this Fantomallard is shown again in another Danish story titled HOT CHEMISTRY. In this strange adventure Duck Avenger remind his previous encounter with Fantomallard. A memory album or one of the gentleman thief's diary with an old photo of Fantomallard it is also shown.
In this story an alternative and too much politically correct version of Fantomallard; is given. He was basically a second "Robin Hood" who robbed from the rich to give to the poor.
Very interesting in this adventure is the mysterious character of Ireyon who despite her young aspect seems to have been a helper of Fantomallard during the years of his activity. The images of Ireyon (she looks like a fox ) is present in one of the photos found by Donald in Villa Rose. It is not clear who this character really is, maybe another friend of Fantomallard or she could be and alternative variant of Dolly Paprika or Lady Mustard created by the Danish writer. And why she is still so young despite she was acting many years ago with Fantomallard? This doubful is still in the mind of Duck Avenger at the end of the story.
The Ireyon mistery is revealed in another Danish story titled ONCE UPON A TIME...URGH!. Duck Avenger, in this strange story placed between the past and the present, discovers that Ireyons was born 5000 years ago in an Assyrian-Babilonian style civilization. Her immortality coming from a magic jade statuette in the shape of a young wolf. This stauette was stollen by Ireyons to the powerful king and sorcerer of the ancient city of Urgh.
The statuette was broken in three pieces used or sold by Ireyons during her long immortal life. The body of the jade statuette was found by Fantomallard when Ireyon was his partner. This part was later found, together other elements, by Donald in Villa Rose. The stauette's head was placed in the Duckburg's museum. The tail of the statuete was instead keeped by Ireyon as an amulet. After several adventures and time trips between the past and the present the two masked "heroes" put together the statuette elements and defeat (in the past) the terrible king sorcerer. In this story Ireyon detectes the true identity of Duck Avenger and she thus becomes his partner as she already was in the past helper of Fantomallard.
Another flash-back of the "macrocephalus" version of Fantomallard it is shown again in the Danish story DER PECHONATOR published in Geramny in the comic pocket Lustiges Taschenbuch n. 511. In this adventure the scenario and the Donald Duck alter ego are a mix between the classical and futuristic variant (PK) of Duck Avenger.
Copyright Produzione Da. Ma. Srl
Because of his name and his dark mask who hid his true identity, the character of Fantomallard takes reference from the smart criminal Fantomas created in 1911 by the French writers Pierre Souvestre and Marcel Allain. After a long series of novelles and mute films, realized from 1911 to 1930, Fantomas came back into the European public eye during the middle 60s because of a funny movie trilogy well acted by the unforgettable actor Louis De Funés who played the police inspector Juvé, tireless enemy of Fantomas. Furthermore an interesting but less known TV series in four episodies, has been realized in 1979/1980 by a French-German co-production.

Copyright Antenne 2/Hamster Films
An interesting comparison between Fantomas and Fantomallard was drawn by Dario Brugnone of Genova Italy. Taking reference from the cover of the first Fantomas novel of 1911, he created this fascinating drawing, showing a hypothetical Fantomallard adventure located in the city of Duckburg in 1928 and properly titled "The terror of Duckburg".

Roll-up of the cover of the PANINI DEFINITIVE COLLECTION n.1 second reprint compared with Fantomas.

Marco Gervasio meet FANTOMAS during the Torino Comics in 2022.
Arsène Lupin Fantomas is for sure an elusive thief, but is not much of a gentleman. The nobil side the personality of Villa Rose's owner Fantomallard comes from the gentleman thief par excellence Arsène Lupin, created by the French writer Maurice Leblanc in 1905, who came back into the public eye during the 70s because of a lucky TV serial elegantly acted by French actor, Georges Descrières.
Fantomallard e Dolly Paprika