![](images/images/tigerva43.jpg) F11F-1 Tiger of VA-43 on board of USS Independence during the 1960 (US Navy) |
![](images/images/f4h1.jpg) F4H-1 Phantom and F3H Demon of Naval Air Test Centre on board of USS Independence in 1960 (US Navy) |
![](images/images/f4h1sageburner.jpg) LT Huntington Hardisty and LT Earl De Esch with their F4H-1 Phantom after the second Sageburner project flight in 1961 (US Navy) |
![](images/images/crusadervf84.jpg) F8U-2 Crusader of VF-84 Jolly Rogers on board of USS Independence in 1961 (US Navy) |
![](images/images/crusadervf84-01.jpg) F8U-2 Crusader of VF-84 Jolly Rogers on board of USS Independence in 1961 (US Navy) |
![](images/images/crusadervf84-02.jpg) F8U-2 Crusader of VF-84 Jolly Rogers on board of USS Independence in 1961 (US Navy) |
![](images/images/skyray1961.jpg) F4D-1 Skyray VF-162 "The Hunters" USS Intrepid 1961 (US Navy) |
![](images/images/enterprise1962.jpg) USS Enterprise in 1962 (US Navy) |
![](images/images/independance.jpg) A-5A Vigilante of VAH-1 from USS Independence in 1963 (US Navy) |
![](images/images/crusadervf33.jpg) F-8E Crusader of VF-33 on board of USS Enterprise in 1964 (US Navy) |
![](images/images/f4enterprise.jpg) F4H-1 Phantom II of VF-102 Diamondback on board of USS Enterprise during early 60s (US Navy) |
![](images/images/vf111-1963.jpg) VF-111 Sundowners pilots near an F-8D Crusader on board of the USS Kitty Hawk in 1963 (US Navy) |
![](images/images/phantom65.jpg) VF-84's CAG Phantom awaits its turn on the catapult of USS Independence in 1965. (Boeing/McDonnel Douglas) |
![](images/images/navyf104.jpg) Unusual image of an F-104 with NAVY insigna at China Lake during the early 60s. This aircraft was used by USN to conduct high altitude and high speed Sidenwinder test. (US Navy) |
![](images/images/vah11.jpg) A Skywarrior from VAH-11 on board of USS Roosevelt in 1963 (Steve Kundzala) |
![](images/images/NATCforrestal.jpg) NATC Skyhawk, Crusader and Hawkeye on board of USS Forrestal during the middle of the 60s (US Navy) |
![](images/images/vf111pilots.jpg) VF-111 pilots near a F-8H Crusader on board of USS Sahngri-La in 1970 (US Navy) |
![](images/images/oriskany1966.jpg) USS Oriskany in 1966. (US NAVY) |
![](images/images/vf111-1972.jpg) F-4B of VF-111 on board of USS Coral Sea in 1972 (Photo by Dick Hanover USN 1971-1975) |
![](images/images/vf84f4.jpg) F-4J Phantom II of VF-84 during the middle of the 60s. (US Navy) |
![](images/images/vf162pilots.jpg) F-8F Crusader Pilots of VF-162 in 1969. (US Navy) |
![](images/images/countdown04.jpg) VF-84 pilots on USS Nimitz during filming of "THE FINAL COUNTDOWN".(Bryna Company Production) |
![](images/images/countdown03.jpg) VF-84 pilot on F-14A Tomcat during filming of "THE FINAL COUNTDOWN".(Bryna Company Production) |
![](images/images/countdown05.jpg) James Farentino playing CVW-8 C.A.G. during filming of "THE FINAL COUNTDOWN".(Bryna Company Production) |
![](images/images/countdown06.jpg) VA-86 pilot on A-7E Corsair during filming of "THE FINAL COUNTDOWN".(Bryna Company Production) |
![](images/images/countdown08.jpg) VF-84 pilot and N.F.O. on F-14A Tomcat during filming of "THE FINAL COUNTDOWN".(Bryna Company Production) |
![](images/images/countdown13.jpg) VF-84 pilot on on F-14A Tomcat during filming of "THE FINAL COUNTDOWN".(Bryna Company Production) |
![](images/images/countdown14.jpg) Air refueling of VF-84 Tomcat during filming of "THE FINAL COUNTDOWN".(Bryna Company Production) |
![](images/images/vf84pilot.jpg) F-14 pilot of VF-84 during the 1979.(US Navy) |
![](images/images/natcpilot.jpg) Naval Air Test Center pilots with light orange flight suit during the 70s (US Navy) |
![](images/images/phantomvf111.jpg) F-4B Phantom II of VF-111 "Sundowners" during the early 70s (US Navy) |
![](images/images/vf111-1971.jpg) F-4B Phantom II of VF-111 "Sundowners" on board of USS Coral Sea in the 1971 (US Navy) |
![](images/images/intruderpilot.jpg) A-6 Intruder pilot of VA 34 "Blue Blasters" during the late 70s (US NAVY) |
![](images/images/f4nvf111.jpg) F-4N Phantom II of VF-111 "Sundowners" on board of USS Roosevelt in 1976 (US NAVY) |
![](images/images/sundowners1973.jpg) VF-111 "Sundowners" pilots on board of USS Coral Sea in 1975 (US Navy) |
![](images/images/vf154.jpg) USS Ranger 1973. A-7s are from VA-113 Stingers and VA-25 Fist of the Fleet.
VF-154 F-4J crewed by LTJG Jim "Ox" Van Hoften, one of VF-154's LSOs and later picked up for the astronaut program and flew on STS-41 in 1984 and STS-51 in 1985.
The helmet he's wearing is a first-generation Visual Target Acquisition System (VTAS) helmet. (Photo by LTJG Jan Jacobs, USN) |
![](images/images/vah4.jpg) Cockpit view of an A3D-2 Skywarrior of VAH-4 in 1960 |
![](images/images/vigilante.jpg) RA-5C Vigilante of RVAH-9 during the 70s (US Navy) |
![](images/images/f4h.jpg) Commander Jack L. Felsman and Ensign Raymond Maxwell Hite, Jr inside an F4H Phantom II during the first Sageburner attempt to set the record for “speed over a straight three-kilometer course at a restricted altitude” on 18 May 1961. During this record-breaking attempt they tragically were killed probably for a failure of the pitch-damper system of the F4H (US Navy) |
![](images/images/ussintrepid1962.jpg) USS Intrepid in 1962 with VF-33 Crusader just replacing the F-11F Tiger (US Navy) |
![](images/images/vf1141967.jpg) Pilot and NFO of VF-114 Aardwarks during the 1967 (US Navy) |
![](images/images/ussranger1977.jpg) VF-21 pilots and RIOs on board of USS Ranger during the late of the 70s (US Navy) |
![](images/images/vf1111976.jpg) F-4J Phantom II from VF-111 Sundownwers during the 1976 (US Navy) |
![](images/images/vf411979.jpg) VF-41 pilots and RIOs during the 1979 Cruise on board of USS Nimitz (US Navy) |
![](images/images/sewell.jpg) Grumman Test Pilot Charles A. "Chuck" Sewell during the test flight of the F-14 (Grumman) |