DUCK AVENGER's secret hideout was designed and built by Gyro Gearloose under Donald's house. The hideout's first appearance is in the second DUCK AVENGER story PAPERINIK ALLA RISCOSSA (THE REVENGE OF DUCK AVENGER) and it is also shown, with some differences depending on the artist, in most of the DUCK AVENGER's adventures.
There are three secret entrances to the hideout, the first one is by an elevator hidden in Donald's bedroom closet, another one is by a trapdoor which is connected to the hideout by the garage, the third one is an emergency tunnel connecting the hideout directly with the house's backyard (this was not shown in the first stories but was created later).
In this hideout DUCK AVENGER keeps his costume, and all the special devices, some of which belonged to FANTOMALLARD and most of the others created by Gyro.
In the story PAPERINIK E LA SCUOLA DEL KRIMEN (DUCK AVENGER AND THE KRIMEN SCHOOL) the hideout is equipped with a closed circuit camera which allows to spy Donald's rooms and yard.
In the interesting special published in TOPOLINO n°2409 Jannuary 29, 2002, dedicated to Donald's home, the Architect-artist Blasco Pisapia shows with awesome cutouts the Donald's house and his secret hideout as well. |
These really interesting drawings show the hideout itselfs (maybe represented too futuristic according to what is shown in the first DUCK AVENGER stories) and the various secret entrances:
The closet elevator in Donald's bedroom, the excape tunnel which goes directly to the backyard, another entrance in the chimney (in my opinion a little bit exagerated and useless even if it is shown in some less significant post-Guido Martina DUCK AVENGER stories).
The other passage is shown connected to the basement of the house but in this case would be much more logical as shown in the most DUCK AVENGER stories connected to the garage where the masked duck kept his special car. |
Several times Donald's hideout was almost discovered or destroyed. The first time happened in the story PAPERINIK E IL CASTELLO DELLE TRE TORRI (DUCK AVENGER AND THE THREE TOWERS CASTLE) where Scrooge McDuck decided to sell donald's house to his other nephew Gladstone Gander. |
Another really dangerous situation for the hideout is shown in the story PAPERINIK E LA BELLA ADDORMENTATA (DUCK AVENGER AND THE SLEEPING BEAUTY), where John Rockerduck receives from Scrooge (by a trade with the painting of "Sleeping Beauty") the property of Donald's house, which he intended to destoy in order to build a pool. |
For a long time the hideout was not in dangerous until the story PAPERINIK E LA MINACCIA AL RIFUGIO (DUCK AVENGER AND THE THREAT TO THE HIDEOUT) where Scrooge wanted to create another money storage place just under Donald's house, so Donald is obligated momentarely to transfer all his devices to Villa Rose's underground. In this story, like in most of the same period ones, the DUCK AVENGER's hideout from a simply but comfortable and efficient place is transformed by some artits in an uncomfortable and messy room stuffed with strange devices, masks and useless knick-knacks.
In the recent story PAPERINIK E L'INTRIGO SOTTERRANEO (DUCK AVENGER AND THE UNDERGROUND INTRIGUE), the building of Duckburg's Subway puts DUCK AVENGER's hideout at risk once more. But in the end our hero manages to have the subway line moved, thus saving his secret hideout. |
In the very interesting story of Gervasio PAPERINIK E IL TESORO DI DOLLY PAPRIKA (DUCK AVENGER AND THE TRASURE OF DOLLY PAPRIKA) there is this beautiful view of the secret hideout with DUCK AVENGER reading one of the FANTOMALLARD diary.
Another beautiful image of the Phanto Duck's secret hideout is well depicted by Gervasio on his important story PAPERINIK E IL SEGRETO DI FANTOMIUS (DUCK AVENGER AND THE SECRET OF FANTOMALLARD).
Marco Gervasio is also the author of this interesting image of the DUCK AVENGER's hideout. The image is coming from the story PAPERINIK E IL PASSATO SENZA FUTURO (DUCK AVENGER AND THE PAST WITHOUT FUTURE).
Some other representation of the DUCK AVENGER's hideout are shown by Enna and Mastantuono in their interesting story PAPERINIK E IL RITORNO DI MAD DUCKTOR (DUCK AVENGER AND THE RETURN OF THE MAD DUCKTOR).
In this adventure DUCK AVENGER's hideout is found by the terrible Mad Ducktor negative ego separated from the personality of Gyro Gearloose. As usual at the end of the story this dangerous discover is forget taking a good quantity of Car Can.
In the story of Panaro and Zanchi PAPERINIK E IL CASTELLO DEI SEGRETI (DUCK AVENGER AND THE CASTLE OF THE SECRETS) the restored Three Tower Castle is shown again. Inside this castle DUCK AVENGER buit his second secret hideout to be used in the emergency situations.
This hideout has been located behind a wall of the Castle main living room. The secret access to the hideout can be opened pulling a big halbard.
Another beautiful hideout drawing in compliance with the original design, is shown in the PANINI stickers album "That's Donald" (1997) in the page dedicated to the Donald's house. |
An interesting secret hideout view is shown again in another PANINI stickers album MICKEY & DONALD L'album di TOPOLINO (2003). Also in this case, even if well drawn the hideout is represented too futuristic according to what is shown in the first DUCK AVENGER stories. In the same page there is also a sticker (covered with a special thermo-sensible paint) of Villa Rose but unfortunately not represented in a correct way respect to the original design.
In the issue n.9 of Disney Parade De Agostini's library (2003) dedicated to DUCK AVENGER, there are two pages concerning the secret hideout with some informations, curiosities and a beautiful view of the hideout which takes reference to the one realized by Blasco Pisapia. |
A plastic model of the secret hideout and the relevant DUCK AVENGER figurine is part of Donald's house kit given as a gift with the Italian comicbook TOPOLINO from number 2606 to 2610 (October-Dicember 2005). This gadget is a rare piece for the Disney memorabilia collectors, even if it isn't excellent in quality. It is a pitty that for obvious manufacturing and handling problems the hideout has been placed at the ground level and not under the house. |