Since his first adventures DUCK AVENGER in FANTOMALLARD-style, makes his missions utilizing some special devices. Some of these are personal equipment, some other are devices installed by Gyro into Donald's famous car. |
All the devices shown in the first story have been found by Donald in Villa Rose thus are those which belonged to FANTOMALLARD including those installed in the car by Gyro following the instructions of the FANTOMALLARD' mobile tank. |
In the subseguent stories all the special devices are designed and created by Gyro Gearloose. |
During the years the masked duck got new and more modern devices but unfortunatelly in some case much more ridiculous, exagerated, not very original and really useless as well. |
In the story of Enna and Perissinotto PAPERINIK E IL PROTOCOLLO MAD DUCKTOR, (DUCK AVENGER AND THE MAD DUCKTOR PROTOCOL), Duck Avenger is wering a special anti exposure suit for the extreme cold environment. |
A very interesting and well realized map of some of the first of the DUCK AVENGER's devices is shown in a couple of colorful pages on Almanacco Topolino n°280 in 1980, for a special dedicated to the DUCK AVENGER's equipment.
schematic view of the famous DUCK AVENGER's which allow jumps up to 10 m. These boots are made of a special rubber with an internal cover of soft leather. the sole is slippery safe and they have a safety metal shell in the front area. The internal part is composed by two metallic plates on which several springs are secured. During the jump the large lower part allow the spings to extend in order to increase the jump range.
| Even if not directelly related to DUCK AVENGER, worthy to be mentioned is this page dedicate to the special devices used by Phantom Daisy (Phantomime) published on the German comic MICKY MAUS n° 33 August 2006. |
On the Italian TOPOLINO n° 2904 July 2011 some beautifull pages are dedicated to the DUCK AVENGER's special devices compared with the ones used by some of his more dangerous enemies |
In the Disney special issue comic PAPERINIK UN EROE E MILLE GADGET (DUCK AVENGER AN HERO AND HUNDREDS GADGETS) some beautiful plates created by Marco Gervasio are shown on which several special devices used by DUCK AVENGER are reproduced. In this first plate some costumes and some unusual special boots are well represented located inside a forniture in the DUCK AVENGER secret hideout.
On this other plate several special devices of DUCK AVENGER are shown. This plate is probably intended to be located inside the Villa Rose secret hideout.
| This other plate from the same comic and always from Gervasio shows an evolution of some of the DUCK AVENGER special devices. |
This interesting plate shows instead some special devices created by Gyro Gearloose but never used by DUCK AVENGER. These devices are stacked in the Gyro Gearloose's laboratory floor. |
The following drawings show some of the special devices utilized by DUCK AVENGER in his adventures of the early years.