Several other characters are often co-protagonists with Buck Danny, Jerry Tumbler and Sonny Tucson in the comic serie THE ADVENTURES OF BUCK DANNY. Some of them are also US pilots or friends of Buck Danny some other are dangerous and recurrent enemies. |
Buck Danny is an Aeronautical Engineer living in New York. On 1941 he found a job for a Naval company and he was send to Pearl Harbour for his technical assigment. On December the 7th 1941 he was involved in the Japanes attack to Pearl Harbour so he enlists in the US Aviation as a Naval Aviator with the rank of Captain!? In the first two episodes LES JAPS ATTAQUENT and LES MYSTERES DE MIDWAY there is a little confusion about Buck Danny's exact enlistment, in fact he seems to be a Captain of the US Army Air Force but he was actually on duty as a Naval Aviator flying US Navy aircraft on board of aircraft carriers. |
In the first scenes of third episode LA REVANCHE DES FILS DU CIEL the Buck Danny's mother and his young brother are also shown. In this adventure Buck Danny gets his new duty as commander of the 3th squadrons of the 23th fighter group "Flying Tigers". This group inherited the missions of the famous American Volunteer Group disbanded in 1942 which was fighting in China-Buma-India scene against the Japanese forces. |
In the BUCK DANNY ORIGINES - LE PILOTE A L'AILE BRISEE it is show that Buck Danny's father Walter Danny die in 1942 thus while Buck was at war in the Pacific scenario. |
The same adventure also shows Buck Danny's youth during the period of the great crisis of the 1929 and the sometimes problematic relationship with his parents. |
In the same story BUCK DANNY ORIGINES - LE PILOTE A L'AILE BRISEE it is explained that Buck Danny is an US Army Air Force pilot temporarly on duty in the US Navy and in fact his rank of Captain correspond to the Lieutenant in the Navy. |
In the second album of the BUCK DANNY ORIGINES entitled LE FILS DU VIKING NOIR (THE SON OF THE BLACK VIKING) it is revealed to us that Buck Danny's father was of Danish origin and his family lived in the northern Schleswing village located on the border between Germany and Denmark and his is original name was Walther Deneman.
At the outbreak of WW I in 1914 he was drafted into the Prussian Army as a fighter pilot, his nickname was the Black Viking. After the war in 1919 his family emigrated to the United States where the Immigration Service changed his name to Walter Danny. |
In the same story BUCK DANNY ORIGINES - LE FILS DU VIKING NOIR Buck Danny is shown to have learned to fly in the mid-1930s on a biplane from the famous flying circus "Scott and daughters". |
Buck Danny is tall, blond haired, athletic, and rather handsome, he represents the stereotypical american fighter pilot ardent defender of his nation. In the third adventure LA REVANCHE DES FILS DU CIEL he also meets for the first time his sidekicks and co-protagonist of the future adventures, the US Army Air Force Lieutenant Sonny Tuckson and the US Army Air Force Captain Jerry Tumbler. After many adventures with the flying tigers, in the Jungle of Birmania and in China territory against the Japanese forces and their allieds Buck Danny finished his duty in the US Army Aviation with the rank of Major. |
As shown in the Buck Danny classical adventures LES FANTôMES DU SOLEIL LEVANT and L'ILE DU DIABLE Just after the war Buck Danny and his comrades are fighting against the secret nazi-japanese society "Les Fantomes du Sol Levant" which try to continue the war attacking the Unite States with a stollen atomic bomb, and anthrax. At the end of these adventures Buck Danny left the Armed Forces and always together his friends he is engaged as civilan pilot for a Middle East mysterious "Arabian Airways" private Airline company. In these three adventures LES TRAFIQUANTS DE LA MER ROUGE , LES PIRATES DU DESERT , LES GANGSTERS DU PETROLE the three pilots are involved in dangerous situation against illegal weapons trades, oil affairs, and Middle East local states revolutions. |
After this period Buck Danny and his friends are persuaded by their former " Flying Tigers" Colonel (now General) Ted Morton to enlist again in the US Air Force as test pilots in the story PILOTES D'ESSAI . The Major Buck Danny flow on several research aircraft like the X-1 and the D 558-2 Skyrockets. In the next two adventures placed during the early 50s Buck Danny is involved in the Korean war and at the end he got the rank of Colonel ?!. Also in this case there is a little confusion about Buck Danny's exact rank, in fact the General told him that he has been promoted Lieutenant Colonel but he actually gave to the former Major Buck Danny the Colonel rank simbol. Of course he never attains a rank higher than Colonel, because this would remove him from active pilot status. |
The Buck Danny second war tour in Korea flying both the new version E of the USAF F-86 Sabre and the US Navy Panther of the USS Boxer is shown in the first story of the new "Classic" Adventures of Buck Danny titled SABRE SUR LA COREE and DUEL SUR MIG ALLEY. In this adventure Buck Danny and his friends are fighting against some Russian spy and the Russian jet pilot ace Colonel Korsakoff flying on MIG 15 |
After the Korean war in fall of the 1953 Buck Danny and his friends are flying the prototype of the Sea Plane Sea Dart during a secret mission against a Nazist organization operating in Argentina to develop a new mass-distruction weapon. This story is shown in the"Classic" Adventures of Buck Danny titled SEA DART and LE REPAIRED DE L'AIGLE. |
In the "Classic" story LE REPAIRE DE L'AIGLE, Buck Danny in a secret Nazist base discovered in Argentina is flying the German jet Horten HO 229 equipped with a secret anti-gravity devices. |
In the same story against a Nazist organization operating in Argentina during the eraly of the 50s Buck Danny has a soft spot for the fascinating Mossad agent Beate Akerman . |
In the story UN AVION N'EST PAS RENTRE Buck Danny and his comrades joint the US Navy for an exchange pilots program even if for mostly of their future adventures they will remain on duty in the ranks of the US Naval Aviation flying several US Navy fighters on board of some of the most important USN aircraft carriers. |
During this period which can be located around 1953-1954 Buck Danny meets for the first time his recurrent enemy Jane Hamilton better known as Lady X in the adventures MENACE AU NORD and BUCK DANNY CONTRE LADY X. This beautiful and mysterious female pilot is the chief of an international mercenary organisation which offers its expionage and sabotage job to the best payer. |
In 1958 Buck Danny is involved in some secret mission over the Soviet Union with the USAF prototype XF-108 Rapier as shows in the classic adventure LE VOL DU RAPIER. |
In the late of 50s Buck Danny and his friends continued to be on duty in the ranks of Naval Aviation where they are also involved in flight test on some of the most advanced US Navy jet prototypes under evaluation on board of the new large class of aircraft carriers as well as at the Patuxent River Naval Air Test Center. |
The Buck Danny's test pilots group involved on the flying test in Naval Air Test Center of Patuxent River during the late 50s as shown in the adventures PROTOTYPE FX-13 and ESCADRILLE ZZ is a typic representation of the real flying qualities and performance branch pilots involved in the most advanced US Navy jet fighters as for instance the flight test pilots group of the 1959 show in this year book photo. |
In the stories LE RETOUR DES TIGRES VOLANTS , LES TIGRES VOLANTS A LA RESCOUSSE! and TIGRES VOLANTS CONTRE PIRATES Buck Danny is the commander of a squadron of US Navy pilots who form a new "Flying Tigers" Volunteer Group helping the South East Asian state of Viet-tan in the war against the rebel prince Pra-ha-bang's troops and a group of mercenary pilots lead by Lady X
During the 60s Buck Danny and his friends are involved in several adventures and spy stories all over the world. In mission ranging from North Pole to Central America they prove themselves ardent defenders of the American ideals. In these periods they also partecipate in the flight test of the experimental/research rocket aircraft X-15 at Edwards Air Force Base. |
In spite of the fact that he is actually a Colonel of the USAF Buck Danny becomes the leader of the US Navy acrobatic team "Blue Angels" of course his friends Sonny Tuckson, Jerry Tumbler and Slim Holden are part of the team as well. In the last stories drawn by Victor Hubinon the three aviators and the crew of an US Navy aircraft carrier play an important rule against an international criminal organisation involved in drug production and sale. |
The new adventures drawn by Francis Bergese start to be settle on the early 80s. Buck Danny and frieds are now mainly flying on the powerful fighter F-14A Tomcat but as usual they are qualified in any kind of aircraft. In these first new adventures the three US pilots are involved in a tangle international emergency due to the alliance between some international terrorist groups and the criminal organisation lead by Lady X which have been able to steal two nuclear weapons. After this story Buck Danny, with his friends (and a false Russian deserter pilot), is assigned to the USAF Aggressor squadron at Nellis AFB and for a short time to the USAF strategic reconnaissance group in Kadena AFB flying on SR-71 and TR-1. |
In the story LES SECRETS DE LA MER NOIRE Buck Danny was send in the Soviet Union for an important and dangerous diplomatic mission. Later he becomes the leader of a secret F-16 squadron which is involved in unofficial and covered NATO missions during the Balcanian war. |
In these new stories settle from the beginning of 90s untill today Buck Danny and his friends alternate their activity in the US Navy aircraft carriers with the duty in the ranks of USAF as test pilots of the new fighter F-22. In the story SABOTAGE AU TEXAS the three aviators are the witness of a strange sabotage of the F-22 in which some government authorities seem to be involved. Buck Danny is back again in the Naval duty as Commander Air Group on board of USS Harry Truman in the Antartic area. During this operations he found out and an international criminal group which try to get the WWII German nazist treasure hide in the freeze land of the South Pole. In this adventure the French aircraft carrier Charles De Gaulle with the new fighters Rafale and the Super Etendard of the comic serie MISSIONS "KIMONO" are also present. |
In the story PORTÈ DISPARU Buck Danny and his comrades are trained on the C-130 Hercules transport aircraft and send in the Afghanistan area. Their mission is to find a C.I.A. agent missing in action during an inquiry about some illegal weapons trade between the Afghanistan and the Iran. |
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In the story COBRA NOIR by Frederic Zumbiehl and Francis Winis, Buck Danny and his friends are involved in a Top Secret missions in the border area with the state of Basran (Iran). In this covered mission they are flying russian jets like the Sukhoi SU-27, SU-33 and SU-34 provided by the aggressor squadrons of the USAF and Israel Air Force. |
In the stories LA NUIT DU SPECTRE and DEFCON ONE Buck Danny is flying both US Navy F/A-18E and USAF F-22 as well as the prototype stealth fighter Spectre in the Japan and China area against Lady X and her criminal organization |
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In the story VOSTOK NE REPOND PLUS and OPERATION VEKTOR by Frederic Zumbiehl and Gil Formosa, Buck Danny and his friends are testing the new F-35B STOVL figther in the South Pole area. As a continuation of the two previous stories they still have troubles with the dangerous Lady X and her group of mercenary. In this story Buck Danny is falling in love with the very beautiful virologist Natalya Shemyova who is working as researcher in the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. |
Unfortunately the blonde Natalya turns out to be a fanatical ecologist activist belonging to a radical and terrorist group accomplice with Lady X |
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The short and red haired Sonny Tuckson, born in Texas, is the comical relief figure of the serie. He often committing stupid mistakes and in all the adventures he is involved in funny or absurd situations. In spite of his impetuous and sometimes disrespectfully temperament he is one of the smartest pilot of the United States Air Force. |
In the story AIR RACE PILOT related to Sonny Tuckson origines It is shown that Sonny Tuckson was orphaned at a very young age, and was placed by his uncle on a farm in Texas. |
Sonny learns to fly in a farm plane with a World War I veteran pilot hired by Sonny's uncle to spray insecticide in the fields. |
Always in the story AIR RACE PILOT Sonny begins to participate in air races on different airplane winning a lot of money. |
His rebellious nature and the dangerous stile of life distance him from a possible love relationship. Sonny after winning a large sum of money leaves all the winnings to his uncle and enlists in the US Army Aviation in 1939. |
The Lieutenant Sonny Tuckson meets for the first time Buck Danny in the story LA REVANCHE DES FILS DU CIEL during his duty with the 3th squadrons of the 23th fighter group "Flying Tigers". The two pilots quickly become inseparable friends. In the same story makes his apperance also the third main character of the serie the Captain Jerry Tumbler |
During these WW II adventures located in the China-Buma-India scene Sonny Tuckson together his comrades and the US Army nurse Susan Holmes is involved in some extremely dangerous missions against the Japanese troops and their allied spies . |
As shown in the Buck Danny classical adventures LES FANTôMES DU SOLEIL LEVANT and L'ILE DU DIABLE Just after the war Sonny Tuckson and his comrades are fighting against the secret nazi-japanese society "Les Fantomes du Sol Levant" which try to continue the war attacking the Unite States with a stollen atomic bomb, and anthrax. After these adventures Sonny left the US Army Air Force and he is also engaged as civilan pilots in the Middle East mysterious "Arabian Airways" private Airline company. In these "commercial aviation " adventures Sonny Tuckson and his friends fight against a criminal organisation involved in illegal weapons trade as well as nasty oil business. |
In the very late 40s Sonny enlists again in the USAF as a test pilot at Springfileds AFB under the command of the General Ted Morton who was the former Commander of the Flying Tigers ' base. In this story Sonny becomes qualified for the new generation of jet aircraft like the T-33, P-80, F-84, F-86 and F-94. At the beginning of the 50s Sonny and his flight group moved to Korea where they partecipate to several war missions against the North Korean troops and their misterious unmanned planes. |
The Sonny second war tour in Korea flying both the new version E of the USAF F-86 Sabre and the US Navy Panther of the USS Boxer is shown in the first story of the new "Classic" Adventures of Buck Danny titled SABRE SUR LA COREE and DUEL SUR MIG ALLEY. In this adventure Sonny Tuckson and his friends are fighting against some Russian spy and the Russian jet pilot ace Colonel Korsakoff flying on MIG 15 |
After the Korean war in fall of the 1953 Sonny and his friends are flying the prototype of the Sea Plane Sea Dart during a secret mission against a Nazist organization operating in Argentina to develop a new mass-distruction weapon. This story is shown in the"Classic" Adventures of Buck Danny titled SEA DART and LE REPAIRED DE L'AIGLE. |
After the Korean war Sonny and his friends, in the story UN AVION N'EST PAS RENTRE, partecipates to an exchange pilot program with the US Navy and he starts his duty on board of several aircraft carriers flying some of the most famous and advanced US Navy jets like the F9F-2 Panther, F2H-2 Banshee and the F9F-6 Cougar. In the story LE REPAIRE DE L'AIGLE Sonny and Jerry Tumbler flying the Panther of the USS Valley Forge are fighting against some German jet HO 229 during the secret mission against a Nazist organization operating in Argentina. |
During this very long "Naval" period Sonny partecipates to several extremely dangerous missions all over the world as for example the one in the North Pole against the Lady X mercenary pilots or the one in the Malaysia scene where at the end he is promoted to the rank of Captain. |
In the classic story LE VOL DU RAPIER Sonny Tuckson is seduced by a charming woman who however turns out to be a spy in the pay of the Russian secret services. |
Sonny Tuckson is in fact famous for his numerous girl-friends and fiancee who are often ugly or totally out of feeling with him and his aviator's life style. Classical examples of these unlikely fiancee are Pamela and her arrogant mother in the story ESCADRILLE ZZ and the fat pipe smoker Maeva in the story LE RETOUR DES TIGRES VOLANTS. |
During his test pilot activity in Patuxent River during the late 50s Sonny Tuckson was involved in the test flight and speed-altitude records on some US Navy prototype as shown the stories PROTOTYPE FX-13 and ESCADRILLE ZZ. |
The above mentioned stories are based on the real test flight and altitude/speed record performed during the late 50s early 60s by US Navy test pilots flying on prototypes like the F4H-1 Phantom II, the F8U-3 Crusader III, the F5D-1 Skylancer, and the A3J-1 Vigilante. In this "Sonny Tuckson" style image US Navy CDR Flint Lawrence shows his happiness after his altitude record on the F4H-1 Phantom II in 1959. |
In the LE RETOUR DES TIGRES VOLANTS and the other two episodes placed in Viet-tan against the Lady X's mercenary pilots Sonny plays and important rule first saving the US pilots' base than discovering the Lady x secret airfileld. In spite of his disrespectfully temperament Sonny is normaly very ingenuous and tends to fall in love with peple who cause him trouble, like for instance in the story OPERATION "MERCURY" where the beautiful but dangerous spy and famous singer Lulù Belle pretends to be in love with Sonny in order to obtain informations about the secret radio frequencies used by the US Navy during the rescue of the Mercury spacecraft. |
In this story Sonny demonstrate all his bravery and pilot skill when he almost sacrify his life crashing his Fighter F-11F Tiger against the international thiefs' submarine. He eject from his aircraft just before the impact and was later captured by the submarine crew who also had the Astronaut Dayton and his Mercury capsule. |
During the 60s Sonny continues his US Navy duty with other dangerous missions maintaining his rule of comical relief figure. In this period he is selected as a X-15 experimental rocket plane test pilot and later he served on board of the new nuclear powered super carrier USS Enterprise flying the F-8 Crusader. But the most dangerous situation of this middle 60s adventures is the one relevant to the story L'ESCADRILLE DE LA MORT where Sonny and his comrades pretend to be mercenary pilots in order to recover a nuclear weapon steal by a Central American revolutionary leader and his militia. |
Together Buck Danny, Jerry Tumbler and Slim Holden also Sonny Tuckson is included in the Blue Angels US Navy acrobatic team in the critical position of the "slot" (the last aircraft of the diamond formation just behind the leader). The Blue Angels team was send to the international air show in the Pakistan airport of Karachi where they experience criminal attempt and sabotages by the international criminal organisation of Lady X. Also in this case Sonny at the last moment save the team having realized that the Blue Angels new crew member Ted Mulligan "The Pilot with the leather mask"is in reality Lady X skilfully disguised. |
In the new adventures drawn by Francis Bergese Sonny Tuckson mintain his comicity and he is often involved in funny and ridiculous situation mostly with the Admiral Walker's dog O'Connor. In the story MISSION APOCALYPSE he also get a lightning stroke with the overwhelming Admiral's daughter Miss Eunice Walker. Sonny display his ingenuity also in the story LES AGRESSEURS where he is cheat by the false Russian diserter pilot Colonel Pavel Ivanovich Ucinsky and a couple of very charming spies accomplice with the Russian pilot. |
In these new adventure the three pilots alternate their exchange program activity in the US Naval Aviation squadrons with their duty in the USAF groups. In the stories LES OISEAUX NOIRS (the last one wrote by Jean-Michel Charlier) and OPERATION CHECKMATE Sonny and his comrades are involved in the strategic reconnaissance missions flying the SR-71 and TR-1. |
In the story LES OISEAUX NOIRS Sonny pretend to be interessed in the nurse Priscilla who is on duty in the Medical Centre of Kadena AFB. Sonny tricks the ugly and naive nurse in order to obtain some not allowed medicine. |
In the story L'ESCADRILLE FANTOME taking place during the Bosnia confict Sonny Tuckson was almost gave up to the court-martial because he attacked without autorization a Serbian SAM placing. To avoid the military justice he was obligate to enter in a secret F-16 squadron which conduct unofficial and covered NATO missions against the Serbian troops around Sarajevo. In this adventure he also had an short love story with the female pilot Cindy Mac Pherson who used her charm with Sonny to get some informations about the secret F-16 squadron airfield location. |
In the story SABOTAGE AU TEXAS another fiancee of Sonny is shown. She is Lucy "Lulubelle" widow of the rich Texan oilman Hawk who also was a warbird pilot and collector. Lucy who also enjoy to fly continued to maintain in flight status their F4U-7 Corsair, the Mustang and the P-40 which are sometimes special guests during the airshows. In this adventure Sonny and his friends are involved in the strange sabotage of the Jerry Tumbler's F-22 in which also some government authorities seem to be involved. |
In these recent adventures palced during the early 2000 Sonny Tuckson alternates his duty in the USAF as a F-22 test pilot with the US Navy service on board of the most modern aircraft carriers normally flying with the F-18 Hornet. Of course he never loose his comicity and he is often involved in funny situation with his friends and the terrible Admiral's dog O'Connor. |
In the story PORTÈ DISPARU Sonny is send in the Afghanistan area for a secret operation. The mission is to find a missing in action C.I.A. agent who was inquiring on some illegal weapons trade between the Afghanistan and The Iran. After some dangerous situations Sonny rescues the agent and on doard of a damaged Antonov 2 reached the airport of Kabul. |
In the story COBRA NOIR Sonny fall in love with the Israelian female pilot Capt. Shana Abramson (who in reality she was a russian secret agent and a former jet pilot). Of course also in this case Sonny is fooled by the ability of the russian spy. In this dangerous covered mission Sonny and his friends are flying russian jet aircraft (SU-27, SU33, SU34) making secret missions and sagotage inside the Basran (Iran) border. |
In the story LA NUIT DU SPECTRE Sonny on board of the USS Ronal Reagan is flying the new US Navy Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle and together his friends is fighting againt Lady X and her criminal organization. He returns to fly the F/A-18 in the story DEFCON ONE |
In the story VOSTOK NE REPOND PLUS and OPERATION VEKTOR Sonny together his friends is testing the new STOVL fighter F-35B in the South Pole area. Being this adventure the continuation of the two previous ones the crimimal Lady X is still a big problem for the three US pilots. |
In the story PROGRAMME SKYBORG Sonny meets the beautiful native american Navajo Yumane. She also helps Sonny to fight against the mercenary group of Sato |
Tumbler is the third well developed of the main characters. His family is original from Germany and he is the most serious, cynical and suspicious of the three heroes. Jerry Tumbler is dark haired and athletic and he also represent the typical handsome and brave fighter pilot of the Hollywood movies. In the short story L'INEVITABLE RENCONTRE it is shown that in the 1942 he was already on duty with the "Flying Tigers" group in the Chinese base of Sou Chow. |
The Captain Jerry Tumbler meets for the first time Buck Danny in the story LA REVANCHE DES FILS DU CIEL during his second duty with the 3th squadrons of the 23th fighter group "Flying Tigers". At the beginning he was not friendly with Buck Danny because he would have been the commander of the "Flying Tigers" squadron. At the end of the story after some dangerous situation Jerry Tumbler understand that Buck Danny is a brave and skilled pilot as well as a very correct man and they quickly becoming inseparable friends. |
During these WWII adventures The Colonel Ted Morton and Buck Danny are worried because of the presence of the Japanese spy Mo-Choung-Young inside the "Flying Tigers" base. In order keep under control the spy activity Jerry Tumbler pretend to be a traitor and he gains the confidence of the Japanese spy. In this dangerous mission he demonstrate to be a very good double-crosser informing his comrades about the enemy programs and war plans. |
As shown in the Buck Danny classical adventures LES FANTôMES DU SOLEIL LEVANT and L'ILE DU DIABLE Just after the war Jerry Tumbler and his comrades are fighting against the secret nazi-japanese society "Les Fantomes du Sol Levant" which try to continue the war attacking the Unite States with a stollen atomic bomb, and anthrax. After these adventures Tumbler left the US Army Air Force and together his friends he is also engaged as civilan pilots in the Middle East private Airline company "Arabian Airways". |
In the story PILOTES D'ESSAI Tumbler enlists again in the USAF as a test pilot of the new generation of military jet aircraft. During his service in the Springfileds AFB (under the command of the General Ted Morton the former Colonnel of the Flying Tigers' base) he was involved in the flight test of the fighter F-94 Starfire. During the early 50' Tumbler also partecipates to the Korean war flying the new and secret interceptor F-86D Sabre dog (even if in reality this version of the F-86 because of some delay in production and test was send to the USAF Korean base only some months after the end of the war). |
During his second war tour in Korea Jerry Tumbler is flying both the new version E of the USAF F-86 Sabre and the US Navy Panther of the USS Boxer as shown in the first story of the new "Classic" Adventures of Buck Danny titled SABRE SUR LA COREE and DUEL SUR MIG ALLEY. In this adventure Tumbler and his friends are fighting against some Russian spy and the Russian jet pilot ace Colonel Korsakoff flying on MIG 15 |
After the Korean war in fall of the 1953 Tumbler and his friends are flying the prototype of the Sea Plane Sea Dart during a secret mission against a Nazist organization operating in Argentina to develop a new mass-distruction weapon. This story is shown in the"Classic" Adventures of Buck Danny titled SEA DART and LE REPAIRED DE L'AIGLE. |
After the Korea war Jerry Tumbler was send to the US Naval Aviation for an exchange pilot program. During this very long duty in the US Navy squadrons he flow on several naval aircraft and helicopters and together his comrades was involved in very dangerous missions all around the world proving in several occasions his bravery and his extraordinary pilot ability. During a secret mission in the Tibet area Tumbler was seriously injured by a criminal who throws in his eyes a handful of pepper. Luckily his sight remains good enough to maintain his flight status. |
During his naval service Jerry Tumbler was also on duty as test pilot at the Naval Test Center of Patuxent River flying at the cutting edge the prototypes of the A3J-1 Vigilante (identified in the story with the fantasy designation of FX-13), the F4H-1 Phantom II and the F8U-1 Crusader. Another very dangerous situation occurred at the beginning of the story LE RETOUR DES TIGRES VOLANTS when Jerry Tumbler made an unsafe ejection from the prototype of the F8U-1 Crusader after an unintentional ditching. The canopy of his aircraft did not eject and he got some injures on the head. |
Jerry Tumbler is one of the pilot of the new "Flying Tigers" Volunteer Group helping the South East Asian state of Viet-tan in the war against the rebel prince Pra-ha-bang's troops and a group of mercenary pilots lead by Lady X. After this South East Asia mission the three aviators are on board of the USS Forrestal with the recovery team of the Mercury spacecraft. In the second instalment of this adventure LES VOLEURS DE SATELLITES The F-11F Tiger of Jerry Tumbler is shoot down over the Caraibian sea during a dog fight with six MIG 19 of the Dominican Air Force. |
Together his friends Jerry Tumbler is also selected as a X-15 experimental rocket plane test pilot and later he also served on board of the nuclear powered super carrier USS Enterprise in a North Pole mission flying the F-8 Crusader. But the most dangerous situation of this middle 60s adventures is the one relevant to the story L'ESCADRILLE DE LA MORT where Tumbler and his comrades pretend to be mercenary pilots in order to recover a nuclear weapon steal by a Central American revolutionary leader and his militia. After this Centarl America mission Jerry Tumbler becomes a member of the famous Blue Angels acrobatic team still flying the Grumman F11-F Tiger. |
In the last adventures drawn by Victor Hubinon Jerry Tumbler and the crew of the US Navy aircraft carrier USS Ranger are back to the East Asia area against an international criminal organisation lead by the Italo-American Mafia with the support of Lady X involved in the big business of drug production and sale. |
In the new stories drawn by Francis Bergese starting during the late 70s Jerry Tumbler together his comrades is still on duty with the US Naval Aviation on board of USS John Kennedy flying the F-14 Tomcat and the A-7 Corsair II. In the story LE FEU DU CIEL Jerry Tumbler prove all his bravery and pilot ability when he crashed his Corsair against an F-14 armed with a nuclear weapon steal by two mercenary pilots members of the Lady X organisation. Tumbler eject at the last moment before the collision and even if injured he survived. Because of this heroic mission he finally get the rank of Major. |
In these new serie of adventures Jerry Tumbler and his friends alternate their service in the Naval Aviation as F-18 pilots with their duty in the USAF. They fly the F-5 Tiger of the Aggressors group at Nellis AFB as well as the SR-71 and TR-1 in a strategic reconnaissance group of Kadena AFB. |
In the adventure OPERATION CHECKMATE (part two of LES OISEAUX NOIRS) Tumbler during a secret missions flying a modified SR-71 was shoot down and captured by the Russians. He was later exchanged with a female Russian spy |
Back in the Navy service Jerry Tumbler partecipate to the Bosnia war flying an F-18C Hornet. In this mission his aircraft was shoot down by a Serbian SAM but he was able to avoid the capture. After this mission he was one of the F-18 flight instructors for the pilots of the Central American (Fictitious) State of Managua. Than he moved again in the Air Force as a test pilot for the new fighter F-22 Raptor. with this aircraft he was involved in a secret night mission to rescue the Lt. Colonel Max Maxwell who eject from an F-16 behind the North Korean line. |
Jerry Tumbler, Sonny Tuckson, Buck Danny and their new beautiful friend the US Navy female pilot Lt. Cindy Mac Pherson continued their dangerous adventures both on board of the most moder aircraft carriers and in the Air Force bases all around the world. From the Texas to the South Pole to the Afganistan. |
Jerry Tumbler together his friend is also involved in the top secret mission in the south border of Basran (Iran), as shown in the story COBRA NOIR, flying some russian jet aircraft like the SU-27, SU-33, SU-34 coming from UASF and Israel Air Force aggressor squadrons. |
Jerry Tumbler, is again flying the A/F-18E Super Hornet on board of the USS Ronald Reagan in the story LA NUIT DU SPECTRE and DEFCON ONE. In these adventures the three US Aviators are fighting against the terrible Lady X and her criminal organization. |
In the adventure VOSTOK NE REPOND PLUS and OPERATION VEKTOR Jerry Tumbler together his friends is testing the new F-35B STOVL fighter on board of USS Ronald Reagan and in the South Pole area where they still have troubles with the criminal spy Lady X. |
The recurrent enemy of the three heroes is Jane Hamilton alias Lady X. She is a beautiful "Blue steel" eyes female pilot who has been during the 50s the fastest woman in the world. But she is also a mysterious mercenary without scrupoles leader of a criminal organisation who offers her services to those who offer her the most money. There are very few informations about Lady X but seem that she starts her spy career since the final period of the WWII working for a Japanese Admiral. |
She appears the first time in the stories MENACE AU NORD and BUCK DANNY CONTRE LADY X placed during the early 50s in a secret base and missile test range in the North Pole. In this adventure Lady X is essentially a spy gathering information by over-flying the top secret installations. At the end of the story her jet aircraft (Hunter) hit the water and the mysterious female pilot was considered dead in the crash. |
Hanna Reitsch was a Luftwaffe test pilot who tested during the WWII some of the secret German rocket planes as the Me 136 and the prototype of the FI 103R the piloted version of the flying bomb V1. Amelia Earhart was a very famous aviator during the 30s, she received the special gold medal for distinction in aviation. She was lost on the 3th of July 1937 somewhere over Howland island after losing radio contact with the ground suport crew during her attempt for an around the world flight. Jacqueline "Jackie" Cochran was the first woman to break the sound barier. She received more than 200 awards during her flying carreer and set speed, altitude and distance record flying several type of aircraft including military jets like the F-86, T-38 and the F-104. |
| In the story BUCK DANNY ORIGINES - LE PILOTE A L'AILE BRISEE a young Buck Danny during the great crisis of 1929 is reading an aviation magazine showing the speed recordwoman pilot Jane Hamilton who at that time won the prestigious Bendix Trophy Race flying a P-35. |
In spite of her presumed death Lady X is back again in the story UN PROTOTYPE A DISPARU where she tries to steal a secret VTOL prototype (the type of VTOL shown in the story actually do not exist even if based on some VTOL prototypes tested during the 50s). In this adventure Lady X explains that she was incredibly lucky to survive the water crash of her aircraft even if she was severely injured and her vocal cords were so damaged that her voice remained hoarse. Even if not clearly declared in these early stories Lady X was more likely working for the East Axis powers. |
In the three stories dedicated to the return of the flying tigers Lady X is put in command of an Asian despot's air force compoused by a group of mercenaries coming from different countries. During their mission against the A-4 Skyhawk of the Buck Danny's group Lady X and her mercenaries fly on the versatile Italian fighter G-91. |
Lady X in the 1961 is engaged by the KGB to test the new Soviet secret high performance jet plane the Tsybin R 020. |
Lady X disappears for many years untill the end of the 60s when she is again involved in a series of sabotage against the Blue Angels US Navy acrobatic team lead by Buck Danny. In this story she completelly changes her look having now long dark hair. But the most incredible situation of this adventure is that Lady X skilfully disguised herself taking the place of the Blue Angels new crew member Ted Mulligan "The Pilot with the leather mask". In spite of her hoarse voice, the shaved head and the leather mask Sonny Tuckson was able to recognize her when she lost the colored contact lenses used to hide her blue steel eyes. |
In the last story drawn by Victor Hubinon Lady X maintains her long dark haired look but always having eyes of blue steel. In this adventure taking place in the China sea along the coast of the Sarrawak Lady X is engaged by local criminal organisation connected with the Italo-American mafia involved in drug production and sale. Some divers of the Lady X's organisation sabotate the USS Ranger, and at the end of the story as usual she tries to escape on board of a submarine which was also in this case presumably sink by a US Navy helicopter. |
In the new adventures drawn by Francis Bergese Lady X is still represented with the dark haired look even if her general aspect is modified in a much modern style. In these new stories she also maintains her illegal activity mostly connected with a group of international terroristes organized and financed by Von Grodtz a misterious albino who more likely was a member of a German terrorist group. In the adventures MISSION APOCALYPSE, LES PILOTES DE L'ENFER and LE FEU DU CIEL Lady X and her organisation steals two US atomic weapons and two F-14 Tomcat in order to make a nuclear attempt during an international conference of the most important countries of the world. |
In the story L'ESCADRILLE FANTOME Lady X and the terrorist Von Grodtz offer their service and some MIG 29 to the Serbian militia fighting against the NATO troops. In order to get informations about the US aircraft missions Lady X blackmails the US Navy female pilot Cindy Mac Pherson holding as a hostage the Cindy's young daughter. |
Lady X and her group are back again in the stories ZONE INTERDITE and TONNERRE SUR LA CORDILLERE where they support the Managua drug trust and a group of high rank military men who want to rise to power by a coup d'ètat. In the drug business are also involved some US sailors, marines and a C-2 Greyhound pilot of the aircraft-carrier USS Eisenhower who are at the end unmasked by Buck Danny and Cindy Mac Pherson. I this story Lady X shows her contradictory feeling for Buck Danny made of aversion and love. |
Lady X is also shown in the Tanguy and Laverdure album RENCONTRE DE TROIS TYPES where she is involved in a series of sagotages against the French aircraft during "Red Flag" Training on Nellis AFB. In this story Lady X is represented aged and with a blonde wig that covers short dark hair. |
Lady X is back In the adventures LA NUIT DU SPECTRE, DEFCON ONE and VOSTOK NE REPOND PLUS by Zumbiehl and Formosa. In this new variant her general aspect is similat to the second Lady X represented by Charlier and Hubinon in the stories LES ANGES BLEUS and LE PILOTE AU MASQUE DE CUIR. In these stories she is flying a fantasy new generation fighter prototype TX-60 Spectre based on the Chinese experimental stealth fighter J-20 with the maniac purpose to kill Buck Danny and destroy the aircraft carrier USS Ronal Reagan. |
Lady X with her group of mercenary is try to get a dangerous virus from a laboratory in the South Pole area in the adventure VOSTOK NE REPOND PLUS which is the continuation of the previous two stories. |
At the end of the adventure LE PACTE Lady X is arrested and send in a federal high sicurity prison in Colorado. |
Slim Holden was born in Atlanta Georgia. Also for him there is a little confusion about his exact enlistment. In mostly of the stories he seems to be a Captain of the US Air Force on duty in the US Naval Aviation with the exchange pilot program but in the stories PROTOTYPE FX-13 and ESCADRILLE ZZ he is depicted with the US Navy uniform and the rank of Lt. Commander (Major). Slim Holden is a very talented pilot, often on duty in the fighter squadrons or in the special groups lead by Buck Danny. He is both qualified as test pilot and instructor of the Naval Fighter Weapons school (TOP GUN), but he is also a boaster and his bad temper and arrogance had caused him several problem both with his comrades and the military justice. |
Slim Holden appeares for the first time during the middle of 50s in the story S.O.S. SOUCOUPES VOLANTES!, where he is also assigen to the evaluation squadron "zero" under the command of Buck Danny. This special group of test pilots have to evaluate and test a secret VTOL on board of the new super aircraft carrier USS Forrestal. In this firts appearance Slim Holden immediately demonstrates to be a boaster making dangerous acrobatics with his small private biplane. |
In the classic adventure #9 LE VOL DU RAPIER Slim Holden in 1958 perform the first landing and together with also the take off from the USS Forrestal with an USAF transport aircraft Hercules C-130 . |
In the stories PROTOTYPE FX-13 and ESCADRILLE ZZ Slim Holden is also on duty at the Naval Air Test Center of Patuxent River (In these adventures an incredible mistake has been made being the NAS Patuxent River wrongly located near San Diego California instead of near the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland) At the beginning of the story Slim Holden is upsets with Buck Danny because he would has been the commander of the ZZ squadron. Slim Holden starts to complain criticizing every decision of Buck Danny and he also makes unprofessional agreement with the owner of an Aerospace company producing one of the aircraft under evaluation. Buck Danny, to obtain again the respect of Slim Holden, is thus obligate to use very strong arguments the only ones well understand by the boaster pilot. |
During the mission with the new "Flying Tigers" against the Lady X mercenary pilots, Slim Holden is one of the most skilled pilots of the squadron. In the second episode of these adventures Slim Holden and Sonny Tuckson demonstrate all their bravery saving their airfileld against an unexpected attack of the Lady X's fighters. |
Slim Holden appeared also in the Buck Danny classic # 5 OPERATION RIDEAU DE FER where it is said that he should be one of the pilots selected to test the secret spy plane A-12 Oxchart and thus the relevant Mach 3 fighter YF-12 Blackbird. This is in accordance to what shown in the adventure LES MYSTERE DES AVIONS FANTOME where he is in fact one of the pilots flying on the experimental fighters YF-12 in the top secret artic base of Amarillo |
After this mission Slim Holden was also on board of the USS Forrestal during the rescue actuvity of the Mercury capsule. After that he was assigned to the Top Secret (fantasy) Air Force Base of Amarillo located in the North Pole, where the secret prototype of the YF-12 was under testing. |
During his duty in the Blue Angels US Navy Acrobatic team Slim Holden shows his prejudices and bad temper when he insults and complain without any reason against his Afro-American specialist. He also unjustly accuses the specialist to be the saboteur who caused to the team a series of strange incidents. Of course the specials had nothing to do with the incidents being Lady X and her organisation the responsible for the sabotages. |
In the adventure OPERATION CHECKMATE (part two of LES OISEAUX NOIRS) Slim Holden partecipates to a secret missions flying a modified YF-12A fighting against some MIG-25 over the Russia. |
In the new adventures drawn by Francis Bergese Slim Holden is back in the story L'ESCADRILLE FANTOME where he is also one of the pilots of the secret and unofficial group which support the NATO troops during the Bosnia war. Slim Holden has been obligate to joint the group to avoid the martial court having flow without autorisation and also destroyed a prototype of the F-22. |
In the story COBRA NOIR Slim Holden while he is assigned to the 422nd Evaluation Squadron at Nellis AFB he has been involved in the top secret mission along the Basran (Iran) border. At the beginning of this story he brings on board of the aircraft carrier USS Ronal Reagan the SU-33 (coming from the USAF aggressors squadron in Nellis) to be used for this cover mission. |
In the adventures AIRFORCE ONE Slim Holden saves Buck Danny and Jerry Tumbler from a bad situation after they are captured by the group of criminals led by Sato. In this story Slim says he retired from the US Air Force and found a job as a fighter pilot with the civilian company Black Jet. |
The USN Lt. Cindy Mac Pherson nick name "Flare" is a female pilot generaly flying on the F-18 Hornet. Her father was an A-6 Intruder pilot Missing In Action during the Vietnam war. She was married with an US MARINES F-18 pilot who died in the Gulf war. She has a young dauther named Cecilia. The Lt. Cindy Mac Pherson is a very talented Naval fighter pilot, she also attend the USAF Aggressor school where she get the qualification on the MIG 29. |
Cindy Mac Pherson appears for the first time in the story L'ESCADRILLE FANTOME where she fly an F-18 on board of the aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower in service in the Adriatic Sea during the NATO operations in Bosnia. In order to get some informations about the mission of the secret F-16 squadron Cindy uses her charm with the ingenuous Sonny Tuckson. |
In this Balcanian war adventure Lady X kidnaps the Ciny's daughter and obligate the female pilot to fly the MIG 29 and to give informations about the NATO's air missions against the Serbians troops. At the end of the adventure Ciny and her dauther with the help of Jerry Tumbler escape from the Pro-serbian secret airfield under the control of Lady X and Von Grodtz. |
Cindy Mac Pherson was thus judged by the Martial Court, but thanks to Buck Danny she maintained her duty in the US Naval Aviation even if for a short period she was declassed to second pilot of a C-2 Greyhound. In the story ZONE INTERDITE she discovered an illegal drug business between the Managua trust, in complicity with the Lady X organisation, and some crew members of the USS Eisenhower including the C-2 pilot Lt.Cdr Lawson. |
Cindy was thus rape by the criminal organisation and consigned to Lady X. The pushers on board of USS Eisenhower were arrested thus they reval that Cindy Mc Pherson was keeped as a slave in a drug plantation in Managua. At the end of the story Buck Danny and the Manguan's Army rescued her from this terrible situation. |
Cindy Because her courage during the mission in Managua against the drug pusher and thanks to the intercession of Buck Danny was again assigned to the F-18 Hornet. She flow with this fighter during the air show in the story SABOTAGE AU TEXAS and on board of the USS Harry Truman during the Antarctic mission where she was also on board of the French Navy aircraft carrier Charles de Gaule. |
 Lt. Ashley "Mumbles" |
 Eileen Collins |
The character of Cindy Mc Pherson represents the new generation of American female pilots fully qualified for combat mission on duty in the US Armed Force. These women fly with the most advanced jet aircraft and are assigned to high responsible rules. Representative of these very skilled female pilots are for instance the US Navy F-14 pilot Ashley or the former USAF test pilot and first female NASA Space Shuttle commander Eileen Collins. |
The Vice Admiral Hal Walker appeared for the first time in the story MISSION APOCALYPSE. In this story he was the chief of the naval operations on board of the USS John F. Kennedy and he always complain with Sonny Tuckson because his bizzare behaviours. In this story both O' Connor, the terrible Admiral's dog, and his "large size" daughter Eunice also appeared. The Admiral Walker is always shown as the Boss of the aircraft carriers even if in the reality the commander of an aircraft carrier has the rank of Captain (In the Navy the rank of Captain correspond to the rank of Colonel in the other Armed Force) and the Admiral during the Naval operation is not necessarily on board of the aircraft carrier. |
At the end of the adventure LE FEU DU CIEL Admiral Walker loose a bet with Buck Danny and thus he was obligate, to President Ronald Reagan, to eat his own hat. Admiral Walker was still on board of the USS John F. Kennedy during the adventure with the false Russian deserter pilot. The dismounted MIG 29 was thus transferred on board of the USS John F. Kennedy in order to be used as an Aggressor aircraft at Nellis AFB where the USAF Aggressors group has its home base. |
In the story LES SECRETS DE LA MER NOIRE The admiral Walker is on duty on board of the USS Roosevelt where he assign a new task to Sonny Tuckson as temporary exchange pilot in the helicopter squadron. In the last picture of the story Admiral Walker is shown together his wife and his pet in the NAS Hampton were he generally spends his vacations . |
In the adventure L'ESCADRILLE FANTOME Admiral Walker was the Boss of the USS Eisenhower in the Adriatic sea during the Bosnia war. In this story his terrible dog spends several weeks together Sonny Tuckson in the Greek secret base of the unofficial F-16 group. After this mission O' Connor becomes very friendly with Sonny with disappointment of the Admiral. |
Even if impossible in the reality Admiral Walker is always on duty in the same aircraft carrier where also Buck Danny and his comrades are present. So this character becomes like a second lead for our heroes. He moved on board of the aircraft carrier USS Truman in the story MYSTERE EN ANTARCTIQUE during the mission in the Antarctic sea, during this operation the fleet under the command of Admiral Walker joint the French fleet leads by the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaule. |
Susan Holmes appeared for the first time in the second issue of THE ADVENTURES OF BUCK DANNY, titled LES MYSTERES DE MIDWAY. She has been the first sidekick of Buck Danny when they were both prisoners of the Japanese forces at Port Tulagi, near Guadalcanal. Susan Holmes was on duty in the Army Nurse Corps, but she immediately demonstrated to be very audacious, like a real soldier. In this first story she and Buck Danny escaped from a Japanese camp and after several dangerous situations they were rescued by a US submarine.
During this adventure Susan Holmes shows all her courage and her skills by using all kind of weapons. She is even able to shoot down a Japanese fighter plane when she was on board of a B-17 Flying Fortress. Despite the damage, suffered during the Japanese fighter attack, Buck Danny made a perfect emergency landing at Pearl Harbour with this B-17 and the heroic Susan Holmes got her first victory score painted on the fuselage of this US bomber. |
Susan Holmes returned in the story TIGRES VOLANTS. She was rescued by Buck Danny during the Japanese siege of the city of Sin-Kiang, China. Miss Holmes was saved, together with more than 80 Chinese kids. Thereafter she was assigned to a hospital, located near the Flying Tigers' camp. Then the brave Susan Holmes was contacted by Colonel Ted Morton to accomplish a very important but also very dangerous mission.
The Allied Headquarters asked Susan Holmes to deliver Top Secret documents about a plan for an invasion in Burma. She has to fly during the night in a small airplane, piloted by Buck Danny. But the Chinese traitor Mo Choung Young took the identity of Buck Danny and then took off, together with Susan Holmes and the important documents. When miss Holmes realizes that the airplane was not piloted by her friend Buck Danny, she jumped with a parachute into the Burmese jungle.
In the next story, DANS LES GRIFFES DU DRAGON NOIR, Buck Danny, Sonny Tuckson and Tao Tsoe-Tsin take part in a rescue mission, in order to save Susan Holmes and the
important documents. In the Burmese jungle our heroes have to deal with many extreme and
dangerous situations, including a fierce fight with a local tribe, allied with the Japanese enemy.
In ATTAQUE EN BIRMANIE, our heroes have a sea tour on board of a transportship and a
submarine. Finally they reach the Chinese coast. But the troubles for Susan Holmes and her
friends are not over. They again are captured. This time by a local group of rebels, allied with
the Japanese, and are imprisoned in a monastery. They are eventually rescued by a group of
US airborne soldiers. Subsequently the Japanese espionage network in China, Black Dragon,
has been rounded up, and after a few days the attack of the Allies on Burma takes place..
As shown in the Buck Danny classical adventures LES FANTOMES DU SOLEIL LEVANT Buck Danny and his comrades encounter again for a short time Susan Holmes in the Phippines base of the 201st Mexican Squadron.
The image of Susan Holmes is painted on the fuselage of a Douglas B-26 Invader, used during the Korean war, and is shown in the 2nd story of the new "Classic" Adventures of Buck Danny, titled DUEL SUR MIG ALLEY.
|  |
 Marjorie Hansen |
 2nd Lt. Sarah Kaplan |
By the time World War II began, women had already established a respectable record of military service. Congress established the Army Nurse Corps in 1901 and the Navy Nurse Corps in 1908. Nursing paved the way for women in the military, where they held the insignia of rank, yet lacked full military status.
With the outbreak of World War II, the government and military were slow to recognize the potential value of women in the armed forces. The wartime demands rapidly escalated after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. As the war manpower crisis increased, the importance of women's potential contributions to the war effort became apparent. The movement to create the Women's Auxiliary Army Corps garnered support from influential women and women's organizations, which asserted that women had the right to exercise all the responsibilities of citizenship, including military service. |
Tao Tsou-Tsin appeared for the first time in the story LA REVANCHE DES FILS DU CIEL. In the Flying Tigers he is a brave Chinese pilot. Tao soon becomes a good friend
of Buck Danny and during this adventure he participates to the dangerous rescue mission of Sonny Tuckson, who was missing in action after an emergency
landing with his P-51 Mustang in a Chinese area, under control of the Japanese army.
. |
In the stories LES TIGRES VOLANTS, DANS LES GRIFFES DU DRAGON NOIR and ATTAQUE EN BIRMANIE, Tao, together with Buck Danny and Sonny Tuckson, participates to
the secret mission in the Burmese jungle to find and rescue Susan Holmes and safely bring the plans for the allied offensive in Burma to the base of the Flying Tigers.
During this adventure Tao was involved in very dangerous situations, like for instance against a tiger, the terrible savages of the Mnong tribe and the cruel Japanese spy Mo-Choung-Young.
. |
At the end of the story ATTAQUE EN BIRMANIE, Tao Tsou-Tsin and his friends are captured inside the "Yamen": a fortified manor, located in the mountains of Kwei-Chow.
With incredible courage and effort they were able to resist the attacks of Mo-Choung-Young and his bandits, until they were finally rescued by a blitz of a group of US-Army
Airborne troups. |
Tao Tsou-Tsin returns in the story DUEL SUR MIG ALLEY, the second issue of the new "classic" adventures of Buck Danny. A story situated during the Korean war. Tao is now a soldier
and agent for the Taiwanese Government, who is fighting against the Chinese Communist regime.
In this new adventure Tao was at the beginning charged to steal a North Korean MIG-15. But when a deserted North Korean pilot delivered a MIG-15 to the Americans, his mission had been
changed. Tao planned and carried out the difficult rescue mission of Sonny Tuckson, who was kidnapped by the Russian secret services and is captured inside a fortress in the Chinese territory.
Colonel Ted Morton appeared in the story LA REVANCHE DES FILS DU CIEL. He was the commander of the Sou-chow base where the Flying Tigers had their airfield. He was a serious and resolute WW II US Army Air Force officer with the typical "Clark Gable" look. Colonel Morton immediately realized that Buck Danny was a trustworty officer and a brave pilot so he tried to help and support him in several difficult situations. |
In the story TIGRES VOLANTS Ted Morton and Buck Danny were worried because of the presence of a Japanese spy inside the flying tiger base. So they organized a plan with Jerry Tumbler who should had pretend to be a traitor in order to approach and catch the spy. Colonel Morton was also the focal point for the special mission in which Susan Holmes should had delivered Top Secret documents about the plan for the Birmania invasion. |
During this important and dangerous mission narrate in the stories TIGRE VOLANTS, DANS LES GRIFFES DU DRAGON NOIR and ATTAQUE EN BIRMANIE Colonel Morton was the coordinator and the link between the allied headquarter and his group of soldiers (Buck Danny, Sonny Tuckson, Jerry Tumbler, Susan Holmes, Tao-Tsou-Sin) involved in the operations. At the end of the mission he personally decorated our heroes in the base of Sou-chow. |
Buck Danny and his comrades meet again Ted Morton in the story PILOTES D'ESSAI. Morton is now a Major General of the US Air Force responsible for the Training Center and Aircraft Evaluation at Springfield AFB. General Morton persuaded Buck Danny and friends to enlisted again in the USAF as test pilots for the new generation of Jet aircraft. |
In the story CIEL DE COREE Major Genearl Morton is still the commander of the Sprigfield AFB. In this adventure He assigned to Buck Danny and his test pilot group the important and delicate mission to perform a combat evaluation of the new secret interceptor F-86D Sabre dog during real missions in the Korean war. |
The Chinese Mo Choung-Young appears for the first time in the story LA REVANCHE DES FILS DU CIEL as a pilot in the Flying Tigers. However, he turns out to be a traitor: he is a spy for the Japanese enemy and a member of the secret Japanese Black Dragon Society. The Chinese "nurse"e; Miss Lee is his contact with these Black Dragon Society. In the story LES TIGRES VOLANTS, Jerry Tumbler pretends to be a traitor as well in order to approach the dangerous spy Mo Choung-Young and to find out the plans of this criminal organization, but also to forward them incorrect information.
In the stories LES TIGRES VOLANTS, DANS LES GRIFFES DU DRAGON NOIR and ATTAQUE EN BIRMANIE, Mo-Choung-Young and the members of the Black Dragon Society try to to prevent Buck Danny , Sonny Tuckson and Susan Holmes from bringing the Flying Tigers the plans for the Allied offensive in Burma. Mo-Choung-Young although only appears in the "Flying Tigers" story serie, is an iconic figure in the franchise. |
The Black Dragon Society "Kokuryukai" was a prominent paramilitary, ultra-nationalist right-wing group in Japan. whose goal is to create a pan-Asian empire free of Western influence and led by Japan. The Black Dragons assisted the Japanese spy, Colonel Motojiro Akashi. Akashi, who was not directly a member of the Black Dragons, ran successful operations in China, Manchuria, Siberia and established contacts throughout the Muslim world. These contacts in Central Asia were maintained through World War II. The Black Dragons also formed close contact and even alliances with Buddhist sects throughout Asia Initially directed only against Russia, in the 1930s, the Kokuryukai expanded its activities around the world, and stationed agents in such diverse places as Ethiopia, Turkey, Morocco, throughout southeast Asia and South America, as well as Europe and the United States. |
In the story ATTAQUE EN BIRMANIE, Mo-Choung-Young and his Black Dragon superiors commit suicide at the end of Attack in Burma to avoid falling into Allied hands. The Kokuryukai organization was officially disbanded by order of the American Occupation authorities in 1946. According to Brian Daizen Victoria's book Zen War Stories, the Black Dragon Society was reconstituted in 1961 as the Black Dragon Club (Kokuryu-Kurabu.) The Club never had more than 150 members to succeed in the goals of the former Black Dragon Society. |
In the stories of the classic serie LES FANTôMES DU SOLEIL LEVANT and L'ILE DU DIABLE is shown that Mo-Choung-Young was only seriously wounded during the final assault on the fortress in the adventure ATTAQUE EN BIRMANIE. In these new classic stories the dangerous Japanese spy has been recruited by the secret nazi-japanese society "Les Fantomes du Sol Levant" with the purpose to continue the war attacking the Unite States with a stollen atomic bomb and anthrax. At the end of the story L'ILE DU DIABLE Mo-Choung-Young dies crashing in the Pacific Ocean with an experimental modified fighter version of the kamikaze attack plane MXY7 Ohka. |
The Chinese Miss Lee appeared for the first time in the story LA REVANCHE DES FILS DU CIEL. She pretends to be a nurse, but she is also working for the enemy: the secret Japanese Black Dragon Society. Miss Lee forwards them messages from the Chinese Flying Tiger pilot and dangerous spy Mo Choung-Young, also a member of the Black Dragon Society. These messages mean severe problems for the Flying Tiger squadron, as they are constantly attacked by the, about their secret missions informed, Japanese airforce!
In the story LES TIGRES VOLANTS, the dangerous spy Miss Lee was one of the nurses who escorted a wounded Buck Danny to the Calcutta Hospital. When nursing Buck Danny in this hospital, she uses a drug to lull him into sleep, and she also tried to kill him by injecting poison.
Miss Lee also appeared in the story ATTAQUE EN BIRMANIE: by coincidence Sonny Tuckson recognises her in a small town at the coast of China. Unfortunately the dangerous spy Miss Lee escapes and then warns the Black Dragon Society about the presence of Buck Danny and his 3 friends, whom they believed death.
Miss Lee appeared again just after the end of the war still as a Japanese spy this time at the service of the secret nazi-japanese society "Les Fantomes du Sol Levant" in the in the third and fourth stories of the new Classic Adventures of Buck Danny titled LES FANTôMES DU SOLEIL LEVANT and L'ILE DU DIABLE. At the end of this story she is captured by American soldiers.
Miss Lee evidently manages to escape from captivity as she is shown in 1958 in the service of the KGB in the story LE VOL DU RAPIER and MOLOTOK-41 NE REPOND PLUS. At the end of this adventure Miss Lee become the leader of a spionistic organization connected with the Russian KGB.
The most famous Japanese female spy during the WWII was Yoshiko Kawashima. She was a Qing princess brought up in Japan, who served as a spy in the service of the Japanese Kwantung Army and Manchukuo during the Second World War. Originally named Aisin Gioro Xianyu (Aisin Gioro with the courtesy name Dongzhen, her Chinese name was Jin Bihui). She is sometimes known in fiction by the pseudonym as the "Eastern Mata Hari". She was executed as a traitor by the Kuomintang after the Second Sino-Japanese War. |
Max Maxwell appeared the first time in the story LES AGRESSEURS he is a Major of the USAF commander of the 64th Aggressor Squadron at Nellis AFB.The 64th Aggressor Squadron is a squadron of the United States Air Force. This squadron provides Air Combat Maneuvering training to USAF and other aviation forces in conjunction with Red Flag exercises. In this story Max Maxwell received in his group Buck Danny, Sonny Tuckson, Jerry Tumbler and the false Russian diserter pilot Colonel Pavel Ivanovich Ucinsky with the relevant MIG 29. |
In the story LA NUIT DU SERPENT Max Maxwell is Lieutenant Colonel who fly on F-16 of the 35th Squadron at Kunsan AFB in the South Korea. In this adventure his aircraft has been hit by a North Koeran secret laser weapons. Maxwell temporarily becomed blind and he ejected over the North Korea territory. The USAF organized his rescued mission also involving the new F-22 Raptor under evaluation by Buck Danny and his comrades. Maxwell was finally foud hidden in a Noth Korean secret underground installation and saved by Buck Danny with the help of a female North Korean deserter soldier. |
Von Grodtz is for sure one of the most nasty and dangerous characters of the series. He is more likely the rich leader of an international terrorist organisation, connected with the Lady X operative group. In the stories MISSION APOCALYPSE, LES PILOTES DE L'ENFER and LE FEU DU CIEL, he was the major financer behind the steal of two US atomic weapons and two F-14 Tomcats, in order to make a nuclear attempt during an international conference of the most important countries of the world.
Von Grodtz was modelled by scenarist Charlier and drawer Bergèse after their friend, the journalist Georges Grod. His name is a mixture of Grod and Von Grotz, and in the above mensioned stories Von Grodtz lookes like him.
During this operation lead by Lady X and her organisation Von Grodtz also known as "The albino" demonstrate all his cynicism being his no scrupoles mentality perfectly in accordance with the Lady X's criminal mind. |
Von Grodtz and Lady X were again involved in an inlegal situation in the story L'ESCADRILLE FANTOME where they offered their service and some MIG 29 to the Serbian militia fighting against the NATO troops. In order to get informations about the US aircraft missions Lady X and Von Grodtz blackmails the US Navy female pilot Cindy Mac Pherson holding as a hostage the Cindy's young daughter. |
Von Grodtz and his group were back again in the stories ZONE INTERDITE and TONNERRE SUR LA CORDILLERE where they support the Managua drug trust and relevant business and a group of high rank military men who want to rise to power by a coup d'ètat. |
The USAF Major General Scott apperaed for the first time in the story L'ESCADRILLE FANTOME under the nick name of " General X" He was the responsible and one of the organizer of the secret F-16 group which conduct unofficial and covered NATO missions against the Serbian troops around Sarajevo. This group was formed by US pilots who were in trouble with the military justice. Mostly of these pilots have been obligate to joint the group to avoid the martial court. |
Major General Scott appeared again the the story LA NUIT DU SERPENT where he was the coordinator for secret rescue mission organized to save the F-16 pilot Lt colonel Max Maxwell ejected over The North Koeran territory. It is clear from this two stories that General Scott is entrusts in the Special Operations. More likely he is the responsible or one of the high rank officers on duty in the US Air Force Special operation Command. |
The USAF Major General Scott also apperaed in the story PORTÈ DISPARU where he was the responsible for the secret mission in which Buck Danny, Sonny Tuckson, Jerry Tumbler and Cindy Mac Pherson have to find a C.I.A. agent missing in action in the Afghanistan area during an investigation about some illegal weapons trade between the Afghanistan and the Iran. |
The terrible dog O' Connor is the roquet of Admiral Walker. In many of the stories written by Francis Bergèse, it represents, together with Sonny Tuckson, the comical relief. This dog appears since the first
adventure written by Bergèse, MISSION APOCALYPSE. In this story it immediately doesn’t suffer the presence of Sonny Tuckson. The two characters thus start a series of funny situations and reciprocal spites.
O' Connor is modelled after the dog of Charlier’s and Bergèse’s friend Georges Grod. See also character Von Grodtz on this page.
The mad dog O'Connor is always on board of the aircraft carriers where also the Admiral Walker and our heroes are on duty so it inevitably is involved in funny but sometimes also bother situations with Sonny Tuckson. |
In the story L'ESCADRILLE FANTOME O' Connor spent several weeks with Sonny Tuckson in the secret Greek base where some US pilots were flying with the unofficial F-16 squadron during the bosnia war. After this period the Admiral's dog change its behaviour respect to Sonny Tuckson becoming now friendly and very devoted with the red hairy pilot. |
In the other adventures O'Connor seems to be more attached to Sonny Tuckson than to his owner the Admiral Walker. The dog always complain when Sony is leaving from some mission and on board of the aircraft carrier it spend mostly of the time with his new friend. |