Generally speaking, the adventures of Buck Danny are very well drawn with several detailed representations of aircraft, ships, vehicles, etc., as well as the pilots' flight gears, and their general outfits. However, in most stories drawn by Victor Hubinon, several incongruences are present, mainly concerning the correct representation of the flight suits and helmets and/or the aircraft markings and equipments. These elements are sometimes simplified, wrongly represented or obsolete in respect to the era in which these stories were placed. For sure the accuracy regarding the aircraft and equipment representations have experienced a major improvement in the stories drawn by Francis Bergèse, Jean-Michel Arroyo and Gil Fomosa.
On this page you may find some comparative examples of how some images, taken from different stories, should have looked like if the flight equipments, aircraft, devices and markings would have been represented in the correct way.
In the story LE MYSTERE DES AVIONS FANTOME Buck Danny and his comrades are on board of the USS Enterprise during the early 60s flying the F-8E Crusader of the VF-33. In the left image Buck Danny is represented in the cockpit of his Crusader with the early variant of an APH-5 flight helmet drawn in a very schematic way being the visor's shield missing. Furthermore also the VF-33 helmet's design is wrong and seems much more similat to the one of VAH-7 pilots flying the Vigilante. Also the MS 22001 oxygen mask is represented in the configuration used during the late 40s and the early/middle of the 50s. The right drawing thus shows the same image but with the correct late variant of the APH-5 in the colors of the VF-33 as it was actualy used during the early 60s. Also the oxygen mask has been modified with the correct configuration used in that period. A further change has been also made in the overhead handles of the Crusader's ejection seat.
In the stories OPERATION MERCURY and LES VOLEURS DE SATELLITE Buck Danny and his comrades are on board of the USS Forrestal during the early 60s flying the F-11F Tiger. In the reality the F-11Fs were already obsolete during that period having mostly of the US Navy fighters squadrons already received the F-8 Crusader and the new F-4 Phantom. Furthermore in these stories, as shown in the left image, Buck Danny and his friends are shown with a very old flight equipments, like the P style helmet (not very common in the US Navy squadrons) or the early variant of the MS 22001 oxygen mask. These kind of equipments were actually used during the early/middle of the 50s. The right drawing shows the same image modified with a more appropriate equipments as it was actually used on the F-11F during the late 50s. In this drawing Buck Danny is thus shown with the interim variant of the APH-5 flight helmet in the color of the VF-33 (when the squadron was flying the F-11F) and the correct configuration of the MS 22001 oxygen mask. The image has been also modified with a more correct USS Forrestal flight deck and the officer has been drawn with the protective headgear normaly mandatory for all the peoples walking on the flight deck during the aircraft operations.
In the story MENACE AU NORD which is placed during the early 50s (probably just after the korean war) the Buck Danny's squadron involved in a mission in the North Pole is equipped with the F-9F Panther. The pilots seem to be drawn with the H-1 or P-1 helmets which were already obsolete during the 1954. In the drawing on the right Sonny Tuckson is instead depicted with an US Navy H-3 flight helmet painted in the typic US Navy gold color. The H-3 was a much more appropriate flight helmet being the standard US Navy helmet of the early 50s and it was widely used in that period.
In the stories BLUE ANGELS and LE PILOTE AU MASQUE DE CUIR Buck Danny and his comrades are on duty with the US Navy flight demostration team. In this adventure they are flying the F-11F Tiger wich was used by the team until the 1967. In these two stories several mistakes are present for what concern the flight equipments actually used in that period. The pilots are depicted with a very aprossimative helmet both colored in yellow and red. They are also drawn with the very early variant of the oxygen mask MS 22001.
In the reality the Blue Angels pilots flying on the F-11F Tiger were equipped with a yellow APH-5 with external boom mounted microphone since the Team as for a long tradition do not use the oxygen masks during their air shows.
The right drawing is thus showing Sonny Tuckson with an APH-5 helmet in the correct Blue Angels design with external boom mounted microphone and the blue flight suit.
The image on the left is taken from the cover of the story SOS SOUCOUPES VOLANTES ! it shows some F-3H Demon flying over the USS Forrestal during the 1956.
The pilot is drawn with a P-3 or P-4 flight helmet and the design of the ejection seat is completely wrong for the F-3H Demon.
Even if these helmets were sometime also used by the US Navy pilots, the P series were normaly used in the USAF aircraft, indeed during the middle of the 50s the US NAVY pilots just received the early variant of the new APH-5 flight helmet. The pilot has been thus modified with a much more appropriate APH-5 flight helmet in the standard US Navy gold color, the MS 22001 oxygen mask has been modified with the Y suspension system as used by the US Navy in that period. The Demon's ejection seat has been also modified in the correct design and the aircraft shown in the lower right edge has been depicted with the marking of the VF-14 which was actually the squadron on board of the USS Forrestal during the 1956 cruise.
In the story LE RETOUR DES TIGRES VOLANTS, more likely placed during the very late of the 50s, Buck Danny is flying on a F-3H Demon wearing the MA-2 high altitude partial pressure helmet. Because this equipment was normaly used in the USAF aircraft and even if the US Navy variant C-4A was also sometime used during the 50s, the image on the right has been modified with a much more appropriate US Navy MK-IV high altitude full pressure helmet. The F-3H Demon in the back ground has been also drawn with the correct feature.
In the stories OPERATION MERCURY and LES VOLEURS DE SATELLITE Buck Danny and his comrades are on board of the USS Forrestal during the early 60s flying the F-11F Tiger. As shown in the left image, Buck Danny and his friends are shown with a very old or approssimative flight equipments, like the P style helmet, simple brown flight suit and not well represented life vest The right drawing shows the same image modified with a more appropriate equipments as it was actually used on the F-11F during the late 50s. In this drawing Buck Danny and Jerry Tumbler are thus shown with the interim variant of the APH-5 flight helmet in the color of the VF-33 (when the squadron was flying the F-11F), the US Navy Z-2 flight suit which incorporates the anti-g garment and MK-2 life vest. Also the flight deck crew has been drawn with a most appropriate headgear normaly used by the peoples walking on the flight deck during the aircraft operations.
In the story TOP SECRET Buck Danny and his comrades are on board of the USS Forrestal during the late 50s flying the A4D-1 Skyhawk. As shown in the left image, Buck Danny are again shown with a very old or approssimative flight equipments, like the P style helmet, and the early MS22001 Oxygen mask and MK-2 life vest The right drawing shows the same image modified with a more appropriate equipments as it was actually used on the Skyhawk during the late 50s. In this drawing Buck Danny is thus shown with the early variant of the APH-5 flight helmet in the color of the VA-12 (when the squadron was flying the A4D-1 on board of USS Forrestal in the 1958), the MS 22001 oxygen mask has been modified with the mini pressure regulator used on A4D-1 Skyhawk and F8U-1 Crusader and with Y suspension system as used by the US Navy in that period. His flight equipment (not visible) also included the MK-2 torso harness, the MK-3 life vest and Z-3 anti-g pants. A more appropriate ejection seat has been also represented.
Always in the story TOP SECRET Buck Danny and his comrades are on board of the USS Forrestal during the late 50s flying the A4D-1 Skyhawk. As shown in the left image, Buck Danny and friends are again shown with a very old or approssimative flight equipments, like the P style helmet, and the early MS22001 Oxygen mask. The right drawing shows the same image modified with a more appropriate equipments as it was actually used on the Skyhawk during the late 50s. In this drawing our pilots are thus shown with the early variant of the APH-5 flight helmet in the color of the VA-12 (when the squadron was flying the A4D-1 on board of USS Forrestal in the 1958), the MS 22001 oxygen mask with the mini pressure regulator used on A4D-1 Skyhawk and F8U-1 Crusader. their flight equipment also included the early type of MK-2 torso harness, and MK-3 life vest still with the yellow suspension straps. Because in that period was typical the diversification of some flight equipments Buck Danny is wearing a Z-3 anti-g pants, Sonny Tuckson is shown only with the normal flight suit without any anti g-garment, while Jerry Tumbler is represented with a Z-2 anti-g full suit.
The image on the left is taken from the story SOS SOUCOUPES VOLANTES ! and it shows Sonny Tuckson flying the secret VTOL Prototype during the flight tests campaign on board of the USS Forrestal during the 1956.
The pilot is drawn with a P-3 or P-4 flight helmet and the early variant of MS 22001 Oxygen mask and a partail pressure flight suit (which of corse was not used with normal helmets).
Even if the P serie flight helmet were sometime also used by the US Navy pilots, is more appropriate for the flight test on such kind of prototype to use a TOP TEX or a "Bill Jack" flight helmet actually used by the test pilots in that period. Thus in the right drawing Sonny Tuckson is represented with a "Bill Jack" flight helmet customized with full face detachable oxygen system and pivotting dark visor as actually used by a test pilot of the XFY-1 Pogo VTOL aircraft (see the page dedicated to the US Navy helmets of the late 40s-50s). Tuckson is also wearing the classical Z-2 US Navy anti-g full suit and MK-2 life vest.
The image on the left is taken from the story PROTOTYPE FX-13 and it shows Jerry Tumbler and a Test Flight Engineer flying a F9F-8T two seat Cougar of the Naval Air Test Centre in NAS Patuxent River during the very late 50s. As usual the two aviator's flight equipments has been represented in a generic way with the usual obsolete P-3 or P-4 flight helmet and MS 22001 oxygen mask early variant. On the right Jerry Tumbler is represented with a more appropriate TOP TEX flight helmet largelly used by the Test Pilots while his flight engineer seated in the back is wearing an APH-5 interim variant. The Oxygen masks MS 22001 have been representd in the correct configuration for that period. Also the ejection seat of the Cougar it is represented in a much more correct way as well as the typical internal small wind-shield in front of the back cockpit installed in the two seat Cougar.
The image on the left is taken from the story LES ANGES BLEUS and it shows Buck Danny making and emergency landing on board of a fantasy two seat version of the F-11 Tiger. The pilot Ted Mulligan (Lady X) ejected from the front cockpit and Buck Danny with his ejection seat sabotated decides to perform a difficul landing flying the damaged aircraft from the back seat. The two seat version of the Tiger never existed and the Blue Angels at that time actually used the F9F-8T two seat Cougar for training thus in the right drawing the same scene is depicted with the correct aircraft.
In the story ALERTE A CAP KENNEDY Buck Danny and his friends are flying a fantasy two seat recognize version of the RF-101A. As usual their flight equipment has been represented obsolete respect to the one used by USAF pilot during the early 60s. On the right images Buck Danny has been thus represented with a more appropriate HGU-2A/P flight helmet with Oxygen mask MBU-5/P. Also the ejection seat of the Voodoo has been drawn in the correct way.
Always the story ALERTE A CAP KENNEDY Buck Danny was able to steal a Mikoyan-Gourevitch Ye-50 belong to fantasy Inagua Central America State. In the left image he is represented with an immaginary flight equipment (P-3 style helmet !? and fantasy oxygen mask). Thus in the right image his equipment has been modified with a more appropriate Russain style ZSH-3 flight helmet and AKM-32 oxygen mask actually used by Russians and their allied during the 60s on high performance jet aircraft.
In the story LA VALEE DE LA MORT VERTE Sonny Tuckson because of the bad weather eject from his Crusader in the Borneo rainforest. His flight equipment was as usual represented obsolete or anyway with not correct features. Furthermore being the story placed during the late 60s on board of the USS Ranger also the presence of F-8 Crusader is not correct being this fighters already replaced by the F-4 Phantom on board of the major aircraft carriers. In that period the F-8 Crusader was in fact still on duty only on minor Essex class carriers. In the right drawing Sonny Tuckson is thus represented with a more appropriate flight gears used by US Navy high performance jet pilots during the 60s like the APH-6A flight helmet, MA-2 harness, MK-3C life preserver, Z 3 anti-G pants ec..
In cover of the story LES TIGRES VOLANTS A LA RESCOUSSE! Sonny Tuckson ready to jump out from his A-4 Skyhawk is as usual represented with very generic and wrong flight equipment like an obsolete P-3 or P-4 flight helmet, back parachute ec..Because the stoty is placed during the late 50s in the South Asia fantasy state of Vien-Tan in the right drawing Sonny Tuckson is depicted with a more appropriate US Navy flight gear like an APH-5 colored in red with a "flying tiger" decal, MA-2 harness, MK-3C life preserver, Z 3 anti-G pants and a customized "leopard camuflage" flight suit being this kind of pattern used by some South Asian armies during the late 50s early 60s.
In the story REQUINS EN MER DE CHINE the aircraft of the USS Ranger are attaching a drug production plantation in Borneo. Buck Danny flying on a A-7 Corsair II is also in this case represented with a fantasy equipment, wrong oxygen mask and flight helmet. In the right image Buck Danny is thus represented with an HGU-20/P "Clam Shell" helmet actaully evaluated and tested in the late 60s during operational missions on aircraft like the A-7 and F-4. Because of his excessive weight, restricted bilateral peripheral vision and the chin section snagging on chute harness capewells (while checking 6), the pilots eventally considered this full face helmet not suitable for operative flight and high-G maneuvers.
In the story LE FEU DU CIEL Buck Danny and Sonny Tuckson are rescued by a SH-3 Sea King of the USS Kennedy. On the left image the helicopter crew is depicted with wrong flight helmets similar to the APH-6B which were not used by the US Navy helicopter crew. Thus on the right image the Sea King crew is represented with the much more appropriate SPH-3 flight helmets which were normally used during the 70s in the US Navy helicopters. The helmets have been represented in the color of the HS-11 squadron on board of the USS Kennedy during the late 70s.
In the story LA NUIT DU SPECTRE Jerry Tumbler after ejection from his F/A-18E Super Hornet was rescued in the ocean by the USN Sea Hawk and safely bring back to the USS Ronal Reagan. The left image shows a major error being the Jerry's LPU-63/P life preserver perfectelly closed in the envelope still not activated/inflacted. On the right images Jerry Tumbler is thus represented with the correct configuration of the life vest after an ejection and relevant splash down into the sea. Also the legs restraint garters, which in the F-18 are keept attached to the seat and secured to the pilot's legs during cockpit strap-on procedure thus not worn by the pilots before the flight, remain indeed after the ejection connected to the pilot's leg and thus represented in the right image.
In the left Beautiful drawing by Victor Hubinon Buck Danny is represented with the flight gear based on the story LE MYSTERE DES AVIONS FANTOME. This flight gear is mostly not correct for a US Navy Crusader pilot of the early 60s. Also the helmet is not well represented and its design is much more similat to the one of VAH-7 pilots flying the Vigilante. On the right image Buck Danny is thus shown with the correct flight equipment used by the Crusader pilots of the VF-33 on board of USS Enterprise during the early 60s. The equipment includes Orange flight suit, APH-5 flight helmet, MS22001 Oxygen mask with mini pressure regulator and REDAR hose, MA-2 harness, MK-3C life preserver, Z 3 anti-G pants, Leg restraint garters, yellow flight gloves, and brown flight boots. Indeed as show on a picture in the page dedicated to the US Navy flight equipment of the 60s-70s the general representation of the flight equipment on the left drawing is quite correct (flight suit, MA-1 torso harness, MK-4 life preserver, helmet general design and shoulder squadron patch) for a A-5A Vigilante pilot of VAH-7 also on board of USS Enterprise during the 1963.
In the left Beautiful drawing by Arroyo Lady X disguised as Ted Mulligan is represented with the flight gear based on the story LE PILOTE AU MASQUE DE CUIR. The pilot is depicted with a very aprossimative and not well reproduced helmet. In the reality the Blue Angels pilots flying on the F-11F Tiger were equipped with a yellow APH-5 with external boom mounted microphone since the Team as for a long tradition do not use the oxygen masks during their air shows. The right drawing is thus showing Mulligan with an APH-5 helmet in the correct Blue Angels design with external boom mounted microphone and the blue flight suit.
In the left drawing by Arroyo based on the story OPÉRATION RIDEAU DE FER placed in the 1961 Buck Danny is represented with and HGU-2/P and oxygen mask MS22001. The helmet even if its general design is more or less correct it shows some imprecious details furthermore the oxygen mask configuration is a quite bit obsolete (even if in few cases still used in the early of the 60s) for a USAF pilot of the 1961s. In the right drawing Buck Danny is thus represented with a more accurate HGU-2/P equipped with MBU-3/P or MBU-5/P early variant as used by USAF pilots in that period.
In the left drawing by Arroyo based on the story OPÉRATION RIDEAU DE FER placed in the 1961 Buck Danny and Jerry Tumbler are represented on board of USS Saratoga just after their flight on F-8 Crusader of VF-32. The pilots are represented only with USAF ?! flight jackets carring their flight helmets by hands without the necessary flight equipment used by US Navy jet pilots during the early 60s. On the right drawing the pilots are thus represented wearing their APH-5 flight helmets in the color of the VF-32 with the orange flight suit and the torso harness used by US Navy Crusader pilots during that period.
In all the Charlier and Hubinon Buck Danny adventures the aircraft are depicted without or with fantasy squadron markings and often also with not correct paint design. The french Buck Danny fan Benoit Brouant made a very interesting and great job recoloring several aircraft shown in the frames and covers of the Buck Danny comics.
In the stories LA VALLEE DE LA MORT VERTE and REQUINS EN MER DE CHINE The aircrfats represented in the covers are not correct for the time period or shown without credible squadron marking. Benoit Brouant thus replaced the F-8 Crusader of the first cover with a more appropriate A-7 Corsair represented with the correct design of the VA-25 and the A-6 Intruder and A-7 Corsair of the second cover also with correct squadron marking of the VA-145 and VA-113. All these squadron have been actually on board of USS Ranger from the late of the 60s though the late of the 70s.
The cover of the last Buck Danny adventures drawn by Hubinon GHOST QUEEN shown two well represented A-7 Corsair but with fantasy squadron marking. The cover it is thus modified with the same aircraft but in the color of the VA-113. On the right image one of the plate of the story REQUINS EN MER DE CHINE with the A-7 Corsair represented with the correct squadrons design of the VA-25 and VA-113 and the A-6 Intruder of the VA-145.
The left page from the adventure GHOST QUEEN has been properly modified by Benoit Brouant with the E-2 Hawkeye in the correct marking of the VAW-112, while the F-4 Phantom on the left image coming from the story LA VALLEE DE LA MORT VERTE have been recolored with the squadron markings of VF-154 and VF-21
The images from the story LA VALLEE DE LA MORT VERTE have been recolored with the obsolete Seabat in the US Marines scheme and on the right image it has been replaced with a more appropriate Seaking. Also the flight suit of Buck Danny has been recolored in the correct green instead of the fantasy clear blue.
The images from the story REQUINS EN MER DE CHINE have been recolored with the Sea Stallion in the US Marines scheme and on the right image the A-6 intruder with more appropriate squadron marking and the flight deck crew with the correct jersey.
The A-7 Corsair on left image from the adventure REQUINS EN MER DE CHINE has been well recolored with the marking of the famous squadron VA-113 Stingers. the SH-3 Sea King in the right image from the story GHOST QUEEN has been properly modified with the color of the squadron HS-4
On the left image the F-11F Tiger represented in the adventures OPERATION MERCURY and LES VOLEURS DE SATELLITE have been represented basically without any squadron marking. Thus the left images has been properly modified showing the Buck Danny's F-11F in the marking of the VF-21 which has been actually on board of the USS Forrestal even if during the end of the 50s. On the right image the F-100 of the crossover story LA RENCONTRE has been colored with the markings of the USAF 50th TFW
The F-8 Crusader in the story PROTOTYPE FX-13 has been recolored both in the marking of the Naval Air Test Center (NATC) and in the most colorfull marking of the VF-211 from NAS Miramar.
Recolored Neptune, Trader, Tracker and Cougar from the adventure S.O.S. SOUCOUPE VOLANTES!
From the same story S.O.S. SOUCOUPE VOLANTES! beautiful recolored images of the rescue helicopter Piasecki of HU-2 squadron and the Demon with the marking of the VF-14
From the story UN PROTOTYPE A DISPARU recolored images of the F9F-8P Cougar for the Reconnaissance Squadron VC (VFP)-62 and the COD Trader still in the Navy blue scheme.
Recolored cover of the story ALERTE A CAP KENNEDY with the RF-101 in the marking of the USAF 66th TRW from Shaw AFB. On the right images a Vigilante with NASA scheme.
Recolored cover and plates of the story LE MYSTERE DES AVIONS FANTOME with the Crusader with the appropriate marking of the VF-33 actaully on USS Enterprise during the early 60s.
Recolored images of the story ALERTE ATOMIQUE with the Crusader with the appropriate marking of VF-33 (GAG aircraft) and the A-5A Vigilante of VAH-7.
On the left image a CH-46 Sea Knight recolored with the marking of Rescue squadron of US Marines from the story ALERTE ATOMIQUE. On the right image from the story L'ESCADRILLE DE LA MORT the F-4 Phantom of VF-102.
On the left image a XF-8U-1 Crusader in flight test color. On the right image the F4H-1 Phantom also with flight test scheme. Both the recolored images are from the story LE RETOUR DES TIGRES VOLANTS
On the left image an obsolote for that period HO3S-1 Rescue Helicopter recolored in Navy Blue scheme. On the right image the Demon in the appropriate scheme of the VF-31. Both the recolored images are from the story LE RETOUR DES TIGRES VOLANTS
On the left image the A-4 Skyhawk with the appropriate marking of VA-12 from the story TOP SECRET. The right images from the story X-15 shows the recolored rescue scheme of the H-34 helicopters.
On the left image a F-4 Phantom with the appropriate marking of VF-41 from the story BLUE ANGELS. The right images from the story LE PILOTE AU MASQUE DE CUIR shows the unexisting two seat variant of F-11F Tiger in the color of the VT-26.
The Bristol Type 156 Beaufighter and the Supermarine Spitfire taken from the WWII story TIGRES VOLANTS has been recolored with the correct RAF scheme of the period.
The F-86D Sabredog, the MIG 15 in the cover of the album CIEL DE COREE and the F-84 of the story AVIONS SANS PILOTS have been recolored with more appropriate marking used during the Korean war.
The F-84 have been recolored with more appropriate marking of the 49th FGB and the F-86 Sabre with the color of the 51st FIW and 39th FIS.
The C-119 has been recolored in the marking of the 64th TCS and the F-84 with the marking of the 49th FGB
The B29 has been recolored with the more appropriate marking used for the Air Rescue aircraft and recolored of the cover AVIONS SANS PILOTES
Recolored of the cover AVIONS SANS PILOTES and F-104 with the marking of the AFFTC
Recolored plates of the adventure PILOTES D'ESSAI where Buck Danny is flying the experimental jet X-1 and RISQUE TOUT wher he is flying the experimental jet X-2
F-94 Starfire and the T-33 recolored. The images are taken from the adventure PILOTES D'ESSAI
F-84F recolored in the marking of the 366 FBG and with the design of the Thunderbirds Aerobatic Team. The images are taken from the adventure RISQUE TOUT.